Changing Interests

In high school, I was known as the girl that had her life all figured out. My plan was to go to college, major in Political Science, apply my senior year to a top law school, and start law school the following year. I’d then work as a public defender in Los Angeles. This was my plan in seventh grade and it didn’t change until this fall when my world came tumbling down (maybe that was a little too dramatic). I finally realized that I might want to go into business a.k.a. the corporate world a.k.a. the great “evil” (just kidding).

It might have been The Fullbridge Program (read all of Jessica’s posts– they’re great!) or some realization that I want to do something more dynamic, but I’ve found consulting to be a particular area I’m interested in. I’m fully aware that the lifestyle isn’t for everyone, but I’m attracted to the idea of working with others in teams, traveling to meet clients in different places, and working my hardest on a daily basis to help businesses solve their problems.

This shift in my life plan that was left unchanged for s-i-x years has left me in a complete state of confusion. All the internships I’ve ever had and all the clubs I’ve been involved in were directly related to my interest in wanting to pursue a career in law. And now, I’m just starting to build my resume again to be aligned with my new interests. I never believed people who tried to convince me that my career aspirations might change in college. That was just not me. I had a plan and I was going to stick to. But they’re right.

I’m all for making life plans and trying to reach goals along the way. What I’ve learned is that despite how sure you are that you want to pursue a certain career, things might change and your interests may shift. Diving into your newfound interests is the only way to get started!

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