So, You’re Feeling Overwhelmed?

As I sit here in Seal Court on a sunny Sunday afternoon, I ponder. I ponder what I should write for this blog post, I ponder what internship opportunity to take, I ponder what study abroad program would best fit me, and I ponder the long run average total cost curve for my microeconomics exam this week (if you don’t speak econ, just ignore that last part).

The end of the school year always seems like a very ‘up in the air’ time. Many things are to be determined, whether it is summer plans, deciding where you are going to live next year, or what t-shirt to wear, there are plenty of decisions to make (I’m only partly kidding about the t-shirt).

Although the tendency to deal with this might be to jump in my bed and cover my entire body in pillows and blankets forgetting my worries and never resurfacing (which sounds both plausible and completely soothing) I am reminded of Robert Frost’s poem, A Servant to Servants, which states

“The best way out is always through. And I agree to that, or in so far/As that I can see no way but through”

Although it is extremely important to take care of ourselves and get back on track, we then must deal with what may lie ahead of us. But often getting to that place can be very difficult. So how do we get there or most importantly ‘through’?

Here are some self-care pro-tips that may prove beneficial!

  1. If you’re stressed or worried about something and can afford some time, try to take a break from it for a while. This is the phase where I suggest you do anything you love doing. Whether that may be watching Gilmore Girls, doing yoga, reading, writing in a journal, talking with a friend or loved one, just do something that can healthily distract your mind and will let you come back to your problem feeling refreshed.
  2. Strategize. Set up a game plan for how you are going to address your issue. Map it out, organize yourself, and fill in any holes.
  3. Be practical. Accept the fact that you’re only human and give yourself the time you need to take care of yourself.
  4. Make progress. Even if its slow, some movement is better than none. As you start dealing with your issue, realize that you’re getting somewhere and soon enough it may be resolved.
  5. Enjoy the ride and try to accept the occasional bumps on the road.


    Time for take off folks!

Best of luck my fellow Scrippstas,


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