4 Life Lessons I Learned from Vincent Van Gogh about My Career Path

Van Gogh, one of the world’s most influential and infamous painters, led an interesting and turbulent life. From his ever-changing path, one can reflect upon their own uncertainty about their career goals and journey. As an Art History major, I’ve always been intrigued by Van Gogh’s Post-Impressionist work, and his career path as an artist. In my 19th Century Art History course this semester, we focused on his journey towards fame, which didn’t actually happen until years after he died. Although his life ended in tragedy and was ridden with despair, there is a lot to learn from this artist’s unconventional life and career.


  1. There is no Right Path

It took Van Gogh years to realize his true passion was creating art, and upon this realization, he completely switched his career path to orient himself as an artist. Unlike most of his famous counterparts, Van Gogh received no formal training in drawing or painting. Through sheer inspiration and passion, he taught himself the arts of drawing and painting by copying and replicating famous works of art. He delved into studies of color theory and Impressionist style. His lack of formal education, and unconventional methods of becoming “well-trained”, led to the creation of his unique, and innovative style. 1280px-van_gogh_-_starry_night_-_google_art_projectVan Gogh’s decision to follow his true passion is an important lesson for young people, who are often uncertain of their exact career path or deterred because of lack of experience. Van Gogh exemplifies the fact that with enough drive and passion, if you set your mind on a certain goal, you can achieve it. Changing your path is completely possible, and clearly, there is no specific path to get where you want to go. As long as you put enough effort in, it is possible.

  1. Experimentation Leads to Self-Discovery

During his life, Van Gogh experimented with many different styles, techniques and mediums, ranging from wood-block prints to sketches to bold color theory in his oil paintings. His constant experimentation led to new discoveries to be made about himself, in his development as an artist and in his unique style. From his constant need of experimentation, one takes away the need to be curious, which leads to constant personal growth. In the case of Van Gogh, if he hadn’t listened to his curious nature, he wouldn’t have pushed himself to create revolutionary works of art that are presently considered to be masterpieces. In your next internship or job position, think of a project you could work on to improve an area in your workplace, or to fix an issue you have identified. Experiment and add your own experiences to this project in order to push yourself to constantly be creating and innovating.

  1. Embrace your Individuality

Van Gogh’s unique style was ridiculed during his lifetime. Yet, years later, his interesting Post-Impressionist style is seen as an iconic and he is regarded as a visionary of the 20th century. His ideas and methods revolutionized art, and ushered in a new era in modern art. Embracing your individuality and not being afraid to take risks is vital towards making an impact in your career path. Even small aspects that make you unique are important to sunflowers-by-vincent-van-goghrecognize and show off, in order to expose your individuality and what you have to offer. On your resume, for example, in order to stand out from the crowd, mentioning a tidbit such as helping your parents run the family business, gives employers a taste of your personality and also translates these experiences into soft skills, which incorporate multitasking, communication and drive.



  1. Accept your Differences

Sadly, Van Gogh’s struggle with mental health was another infamous aspect of his life. His bipolar disease led him to experience life with heightened emotions and sensitivities. He took his experiences with mental health and transformed them into masterpieces. Accepting the challenges that come your way, and twisting these road bumps into van_gogh_vincent_9opportunities is possibly the most inspiring lesson to be learned from Van Gogh. His premature death at his own hand is also an important reminder of self-care and the importance of recognizing personal weaknesses in order to work through them in a healthy way.

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