Feelin’ Good On A Wednesday


I feel bad because I still haven’t actually posted anything containing actual information or advice, but I think that will just make it all the better when I finally come up with something worth advising y’all on. So in traditional fashion, this will just be a series of terrible jokes that only vaguely relate to my future career options.

So I’ve been on the job search basically since I got here, but for all type of reasons (I’m poorly motivated when my other option is Netflix) I’ve been pretty unsuccessful. Plus after a series of interviews that went rather less well than I’d hoped I was feeling pretty nervous about my options for the term. EXCEPT THEN SOMEHOW EVERYTHING WENT REALLY WELL. I wish I could give you a step by step to nailing group interviews and all, but I’ve bombed as many as I’ve aced, which sounds like something a WW1 fighter pilot would say.

i don't actually know what ww1 fighter pilots say, or if they even had group interviews to ace *sigh* the world may never know

in my head ww1 fighter pilots also say “boy-o” a lot, but i’m pretty sure that’s inaccurate

I’m honestly still riding a weird high off of that night. I don’t know if y’all ever get that feeling where you know that you totally killed something (and yes, I am from Texas, and yes I’m actually very good with a gun, but I don’t mean literally), but it’s a pretty awesome feeling. If you haven’t I highly recommend revisiting your childhood and totally pwning all those K-8th graders who think they can play math based internet board games better than you can. But basically I killed it.


preferred aesthetics include (from left to right): 40’s camp counselor core, high school rom-com girl next door, normcore forest deity, and naturally, nightmare dressed like a daydream


kill it. kill it with fire

It’s probably because I was riding a major confidence high. My hair wasn’t doing that thing it always does where is pretends to be curly so it can get stuck around things and I managed to put together an interview outfit that still fit one of my many aesthetics. If we’re being honest, my real aesthetic is somewhere between like, Oscar the Grouch and Louise Belcher, but that looks like this so….


I dunno, I guess maybe this post could be about confidence? When you’re around so many talented and intelligent people it’s easy to get down on yourself. But none of y’all look like that > (thank god)


and maybe that’s what’s really important in job interviews.

also make eye contact

(BOOM. that was advice (i think i’m really getting the hang of this))

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