The 2017 EPP application will open Friday September 30, 2016 and is due by Friday October 21 11:59pm.
Eligibility & Requirements
All currently enrolled Scripps College undergraduate students are eligible to apply. EPP is intended for those students interested in self-reflection and personal discovery. Ideal candidates should be able to demonstrate a commitment to their own professional development. To be considered for acceptance students must be willing to commit to the entirety of the program, including a program orientation on Friday afternoon November 18 tentatively scheduled for 4:00-5:30pm, and an opening event on Sunday January 8.
Space is limited and the deadline to apply is Friday October 21, 2016 11:59pm.
The nature of this program is such that students will return to their campus residence early. In an attempt to maintain a cooperative and harmonious environment, participants will be expected to honor the Scripps College Code of Conduct as outlined in the Guidebook to Student Life and should be in good judicial standing. Please contact our office at 909-621-8180 with questions or concerns.