Especially Now by Blake Lapin
Especially Now by Blake Lapin

Especially Now by Blake Lapin

Congratulations to Blake Lapin for winning the Poetry Award in the Scripps College Journal 2019 Writing & Art Contest!

This human form is divine.
I lay myself outright on the lawn
& let each distinction bulge, 

Trace a finger around my obliques, my triceps, my pectorals.
Pink and white clefts remain on the skin.
I speculate about what part of the trauma will scar. 

That ocean wave has not so completely vanished.                                      
It’s akin, maybe, to a rodent’s lasting decision
As my mother baked dinosaur chicken nuggets years ago, 

In a tiny New York City apartment:
She, my mother, opened the stove
To find the rat too fried to lament.