Tag Archives: Jess Bird

Destigmatizing STIs

STIs are scary—they’re that dirty “disease” that makes people that much more nervous after having unprotected sex, or that much more annoyed that they have to use protection. But the truth is, they’re often more stigmatized than need be, and also more common than talked about. The stigmatization of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections, also referred […]

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Contraception Redefined

When I went to student health services recently, I was asked by the nurse the common question, “Are you sexually active?” When I replied yes, she proceeded to ask me, “Are you on the pill, or using any other form of contraception?” I told her than on the rare occasion that I do have sex […]

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Let Your Flow Go

Periods: that pesky little red friend who likes to knock on your door once a month just to say hello, a friendly reminder that all is going good up in there. But sometimes we wish this friend would just keep to her own business, stop showing up unexpectedly and making a mess all over our […]

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