At a Glance: International Beauty

Kopano Ramsay

Country of origin: Botswana

What is your perspective on beauty? And how has it been developed? My friends taught me that true beauty is compassion, generosity and kind heartedness. I guess you could say that Western media has taught me that a beautiful woman has a well-shaped body and a cute face. Personally, I think physical beauty varies: all sizes and skin tones are beautiful.

How are women viewed in your country? The consensus on a woman’s role has undergone a lot of changes in Botswana. In a lot of towns, women are still expected to be able to do domestic work – cook, clean and take care of the kids. However, in addition to that many people expect women to do just as well as guys: succeed in school and have successful careers. We have a number of female figures in Botswana who work in male dominated fields. In fact, women who are a part of government are nicknamed “brave souls.”  I guess the ideal Bostwanan woman is one who can successfully juggle a career and adequately take care of her home.

Do female celebrities in your country conform to Western standards? Everybody in my country conforms to western standards- the coolest thing to do is rap and beat-box and the clothes we wear are very western. Sometimes, designers and musicians try to incorporate Africa inspired style into clothing and music, respectively. Unfortunately, there are barely any female celebrities, but if there were I am certain they would conform to Western standards.

How do you think beauty can be shown through your actions? A truly beautiful person has a truly irresistible personality: is compassionate, empathetic, patient and friendly. You know that stuff that makes you want to be someone’s friend!

Sanggeet Mithra Manirajah

Country of origin: Malaysia

What is your perspective on beauty? And how has it been developed? Beauty is tied to how a woman carries herself, and not so much her physical attributes. When I was younger, my perception on beauty was defined by my family and Indian culture in particular. I bought into the notion that lighter skinned people are more beautiful that dark skinned persons. However growing up I have formed my own perceptions on beauty and I feel that they are more thought-out and informed.

How are women viewed in your country? Malaysian women are expected to meet both family and cultural expectations. Women have to take be nurturers and provide moral support for the family. They are also expected to be the home maker’s, taking on all domestic duties while the male provides for his family. Fortunately, the notion that women can only be stay-home mums is definitely changing as more women are pursuing higher education and successful careers. Very soon, the ideal woman will no longer be the domestic goddess.

Do female celebrities in your country conform to Western or local standards? A majority of the celebrities are very western in their music genres and sense of fashion. However, they do have to respect cultural norms such as dressing up modestly and not showing too much skin.

How do you think beauty can be shown through your actions? I firmly believe that a woman’s true beauty can only radiate through her actions:  how she treats others and most importantly how she carries herself in the presence of others. A woman is truly beautiful when she is loves everything about herself, is comfortable in her own skin and is not afraid to share her talents with those around her.

Shravani Bobde

Country of origin: India

What is your perspective on beauty? And how has it been developed? I definitely think beauty is an inner thing. My interactions with different people have made me realize that beauty boils down to what the person is on the inside. Beautiful people are sincere people who show love and generosity to those around them. Beauty is not what you look like on the outside: you are only truly beautiful if you treat others like you would like to be treated.

How are women viewed in your country? In the past Indian women were perceived as individuals only capable of managing domestic affairs. However, with the advent of higher education several Indian women are pursuing higher education and many of them are definitely rubbing shoulders with me- some gaining even greater heights. The perception of women in India has definitely changed for the better.

Do female celebrities in your country conform to Western or local standards? A lot of the celebrities are very western in their music genres and sense of fashion. I feel it may be because they want to appeal to a wider audience. Though, female celebrities are veering towards Western style, they do well to respect Indian culture by dressing modestly.

How do you think beauty can be shown through your actions? As I said earlier, you are only truly beautiful if your personality is radiant and you are full of love for others. In that vein, I believe beauty can be shown outwardly through respect for others, kindness, generosity and tons of love.

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