Volume 3, Issue 1 RSS feed for this section

French Burqa Ban

In October, France officially banned burqas; now, a debate rages addressing image, political agendas, religious intolerance and women’s rights. Should one be allowed to express their religious identity even if it is banned by law?

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Being from Mauritius, a small island off the southwest coast of Africa. Scripps sophomore Anissa Joonas has a different perspective on beauty and body image than the average American.

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Food: Nourishing My Mind and Body

Feeling as if she had nowhere to turn when faced with food-related health problems, Jenna Tico found the Claremont Co-op. Because they prepare and grow all of their own food, Co-op residents have developed a unique relationship with their food.

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More Than Just a Group of Fans

Though almost half of ESPN viewers are female, many of their commercials—especially during the Superbowl—stereotype women into sexist and negative ways. How is sports media pushing women out, and more importantly, how are the shaping our women athletes, fans, and their body image?

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Editor’s Letter, Vol. 3 Issue 1

This semester [in]Visible Magazine has undergone its first transition of leadership, from the founders of the magazine to a new group of editors who manage the writers, copy editing, designers, and art staff. This transition has been in process since last spring, when the previous editor-in-chief asked [in]Visible contributors if anyone would be interested in […]

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Engagement: Mind, Body, and Soul: The Fall 2010 Humanities Institute Series and Seminar

Professor Tran delves into the goals and accomplishments of the Humanities Institute series themed “Engagement: Mind, Body, and Soul,” describing the intellectual journey herself and the Junior Fellows have gone on through noted speakers, films, and readers addressing activism.

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The Woman Across the Room: A Retrospective Review of Diane von Furstenberg’s Book of Beauty

Katie Evans takes a look at a beauty and self-image book written by famous fashion design Diane von Furstenberg. Written in the 1970s, the book helps us gain insights into the instability of that decade, and into our 21st century attitude towards beauty and self-esteem.

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Alanis Obamsawin: Visionary Female Native American Filmmaker Demanding Social Change

Obamsawin, a Native American filmmaker, is a spotlight successful woman who has gone above and beyond the expectations in her field. Not only has she shed light on the struggles of Native American populations in Canada but her films have changed the perceptions of Native Americans today.

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France Takes a Chop at Photoshop

A newly proposed bill in France requires a label on airbrushed photos. Does this impede on artistic right, or is it a necessary law to protect people’s psychological health?

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Birthmarks Under the Skin

Did you cut your nails today? According to some, you just modified your body in a way not so different from getting a tattoo or a piercing. Read what scholars, tattoo artists, and tattoo enthusiasts think about this distinctive form of art.

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