Sakai Retention Policy
In Summer 2016 (date to be announced), the Claremont Colleges announced that there will be a new Sakai retention policy. IT-FITS, has compiled the important points that you need to know!
- Sites younger than 5 years will still be accessible.
- Sites older than 5 years will be archived.
- No sites will be deleted.
- Sites will start being archived during summer 2016.
* Archive – if a site is archived, this means the files and information on those sites are not accessible to you, but you can get the files by a request through IT. The Sakai administrator, however, strongly encourages you to back up your files, because retrieving data from archived sites is a time intensive operation.
The official information can be viewed on the Claremont College’s Sakai Policies page.
Backing up Files
We have created the following guides that show how to backup your files on old sites, on different Sakai tools. Go to the Sakai Site of the course you’d like to backup and follow the following guides:
Note regarding the Forum tool:
Forums can be saved as follows:
1) Go to Forums > Select the Topic to print
2) Under that Topic, there might be a list of posted threads and you will also see the Print icon in the upper right > Click the Print icon > A new window will open, displaying what is about to be printed > Click “Send To Printer” > It will open the print dialog box and then select “Save as Adobe PDF”. This will save the Topic with entire threads. You can repeat this process for each topic.