At a Glance: First-Years
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Age: 18
Why you chose Scripps College: I value the small classes with attention to the individual, and the consortium provides much more than one school possibly could.
Your favorite part of Scripps College: Everyone is so nice, which made the transition to college easy.
Where you would live on campus if you were a Scripps squirrel: I would live in the Browning garden so I could eat all of the delicious, fresh plums!
Your favorite song to play at a party: “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga, it’s so catchy and everyone knows the words!
Your first celebrity crush: Definitely Nick Jonas!!!
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Age: 18
Why you chose Scripps College:It’s a college that promotes an equal balance of empowering women and a foundation from education.
Your favorite song to play at a party: Anything Asian.
Your favorite physical attribute about yourself: I love my eyes!
What you are hoping to accomplish during your time here at Scripps: I’m looking to form a solid foundation for myself and to find a family to depend on.
What you most surprised to find out about Scripps: THE SQUIRRELS ARE CRAZY!
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