Editor’s Letter: Spring 2013

Every semester I learn something new about Scripps and the 5Cs. As I’m sure many of you do, I sometimes have a conflicted relationship with my home institution and the consortium in general. Some days I love everything about Claremont while other days I can’t wait to get out. Few things make me feel in love with Scripps, the way I did when I was a first-year. I am proud to say that [in]Visible Magazine is one of those things. Being the Editor-in-Chief has been both a challenging and immensely rewarding experience. Despite the many obstacles, this year with [in]Visible has shown me that passion and collaboration can produce some amazing things. Although this is somewhat of a bittersweet goodbye, [in]Visible always falls into very capable hands.

This semester’s staff has worked hard to bring you the best issue of [in]Visible possible. As you may have noticed, we completely redesigned the magazine, trying to make it as sleek and professional as possible, while still maintaining an artsy feel. We hope that the improved design will make the magazine easier to read and navigate. This semester’s issue includes articles about the Bechdel test, Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist media review, and a satirical sex column from the editors themselves. There is a lot to explore in this issue, and we are proud to feature fellow students and their work this semester.

For this semester’s outreach event, we hosted body painting on the Tiernan Field House lawn. Guests were given paint and allowed their imaginations to run free, with the only guideline being body positivity. [Here is will I will describe stuff that actually happened because as I am writing this at 8:30 pm on Saturday the event has not happened yet but as you are reading this, probably on Sunday before the critique, the event will be over.] You can find pictures on our website.

As always, send any questions, comments, and critiques to [email protected]. We love to hear what you have to say.


Taryn Riera

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