SurveyMonkey: Online Questionnaire Tool
SurveyMonkey: Online Questionnaire Tool

SurveyMonkey: Online Questionnaire Tool

Chances are, you have taken or even created a SurveyMonkey survey before. If not, this website is a useful resource for both college students who are, for example, taking a psychology course and want to collect data from their peers, as well as professors who want to ask students for feedback on classes or campus programs. The great thing about SurveyMonkey is that each survey is highly customizable, and you have the option of whether or not to make the survey anonymous for the participant’s privacy.

SurveyMonkey also gives you the option of creating different rules for conditions within the survey. For example, if a person selects “no” for one answer, you can choose to end the survey at that point, whereas if the person selects “yes,” they are qualified to take the rest of the survey and can move on to the next question. It can get complicated if you create a lot of rules for different conditions, so you will want to try and keep it simple and make sure to test your survey before you send it out.

Feel free to check out some of the different types of surveys in order to get an idea of what SurveyMonkey can offer.

By ITA, Seana Rothman

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