WhenIsGood: Easy Scheduling & Coordinating
WhenIsGood: Easy Scheduling & Coordinating

WhenIsGood: Easy Scheduling & Coordinating

Coordinating schedules for meetings or events can be tricky, especially with a larger group. Thankfully, WhenIsGood provides a simple way for you to figure out when everyone is free for an event or meeting.

To create a WhenIsGood scheduling survey, follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://whenisgood.net/ and click on “Get Started.” You will then be led to a new page where there is a large grid and multiple options.
  2. Highlight the times on the grid that you want to propose. Click and paint the slots that you would like to suggest – they will turn green. As soon as you’ve got at least two slots selected, the “create event” button on the bottom right will work.
  3. On the bottom left there is a “Show Options” button. You may choose the date range, days, and time. You may also choose to set an invitation URL, the descriptive text, and the duration of the meeting.
  4. To upper left, there are options for whether you want to schedule by every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hour, or day.  Select your preference.
  5. Once you are done with all of these steps, create the event. The button is located on the bottom right.
  6. Save the code given to you so that you may view the survey results later.
  7. You will be led to a page with 1.) an invitation link, 2.) your results link (save for personal viewing), and 3.) an editing link.
  8. Good job, you’re done!

By ITA, Caroline Hu

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