Tag Archives: rochelle bailis

Scrippsie Spotlight: Rochelle Bailis (2009)

Welcome to this week’s Scrippsie Spotlight with Rochelle Bailis, an English Major turned Tech/Startup Writer and Content Producer (read on to find out why she got to pet a tiger!)

SCRIPPS PROFESSIONALS NETWORK: So how did an English Major end up falling into the startup world?

ROCHELLE BAILIS: First of all, as someone with a liberal arts degree, let me confirm your biggest fear: it’s unfortunately true that unless you have a desirable degree or a personal connection, most companies won’t hire you without at least some experience. And yet because nobody will hire you, it’s impossible to get said experience—Catch 22, anyone?

I spent awhile teaching in Thailand before searching for a job in the US, but even when I returned I was still unsure the direction I wanted to take my career, but I knew I wanted it to be involved in something exciting, creative and cutting-edge. I had a really hard time finding a job, so I moved back in with my dad and started interning for free at several; different companies as a miscellaneous content/communications/marketing/blogging intern. Continue reading Scrippsie Spotlight: Rochelle Bailis (2009)