In which I have an Informational Interview

In a delightful coincidence, Valinda is working on a project with someone who recently worked at the institution I just applied to.  She just introduced us, and I’m muddling my way through an email to her, requesting an informational interview to talk about working for that school, and working for higher education in that geographic area.  I have two pages of my notebook covered in notes for things to keep in mind for any interview, and questions I want to ask, and, because this is how I deal with feeling nervous, questions I’m guessing I might be asked.

Now that I’ve returned from my exciting journey, I can report that doing my first informational interview with a career planning professional was awesome.  Tremendously nice and agreed to meet with me on a Saturday, and was chock-full of information.

For starters, since I’m trying to break into higher ed (or possibly non-profits), it’d be good to demonstrate familiarity with web 2.0 stuff, including…wait for it…wait for it…


Which is how I now have a twitter account.  I’m learning more about how to use it, and it seems like a pretty cool tool.  I just need to figure out how to use it without being obnoxious/sharing only my extreme love of cupcakes.

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