All Languages

WordReference: A great online dictionary for many languages! Be sure to scroll down and find the best definition for the word or phrase you’re looking for–there are often many examples. WordReference also has a verb conjugator.

Looking for some examples of HOW to use all these words you’re learning? Check out Linguee! Search for a word or phrase or even a full SENTENCE and it will give you examples of how it is used on websites in that language. Just make sure it’s in the same context as you want to use the word/phrase/sentence, and know that not all websites will necessarily give you the 100% grammatically correct context.

International TV Schedule from Language Center at UMN

Music Videos in Many Languages at
Practice listening comprehension while watching music videos in Spanish,
French, German, Italian and Portuguese offers vocabulary practice with flashcards, audio, and interactive
exercises in many languages. Search for the type of vocabulary you want to practice
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