There really aren’t words for how silly this is

The data entry job I applied for at the local foundation turned me down because they thought that I’m much better suited to be a coordinator.  The coordinator job at my friend’s college/place of employ turned me down because they think I’m much better suited to play with data and data entry.  The irony is almost delicious.

Which is to say: I remain unemployed and my wallet continues to be populated solely by a rapidly multiplying population of dust bunnies and tumbleweed.  They informed me they were very impressed with me, which means there’s a growing population of people who are impressed by me, but don’t particularly want to hire me.  I’m apparently at a level of impressive where I’m over-qualified because I’m 23 and have all the skills to do a job, making me into I am what my former Super Excellent Boss-Person L called a “flight risk.”  Which means, essentially, because I’m young and fairly qualified for a job like “Advancement Coordinator,” I look like I’m not a good fit because I look like I’m only on my way to other things.

Apparently I’m actually too awesome to hire.

Not that being awesome pays particularly well, mind.

In any case, it was not an unexpected phone call; I hadn’t heard from them in three weeks, so it seemed reasonable to assume that they had moved on in their search without me.

At the moment, I’m struggling with a cover letter.  In part, I’m struggling because I’m really tired of getting turned down, and in part because I’m not sure of the “story” I’m trying to tell with the cover letter.  It’s supposed to be the story of how I’d be a good fit for the position and I know I’d be a good fit for the position I’m writing for.  However, I’m really not sure how to communicate that not only do I have a background in development, but also that my personality quirks make me a great fit.  The job involves researching people and organizations, writing profiles as necessary and keeping information current.

Why would this be a good fit for me and my personality quirks?

Because this is actually what I do with people and subjects (I—I soak up information like a sponge.  Unlike a sponge, I reassemble said information like Wikipedia entries every time a new morsel arrives; that is, if Wikipedia were really good at remembering pet’s names and overly concerned with cupcakes.

Back to the job: I’m not sure how to communicate in those four stumpy paragraphs that I have most of the technical skills necessary, a good personality for it, and perhaps most importantly, I’m more than willing to stick around:  I’m excited to stick around.

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