The Roadblock?

My revived love for career exploration through popular Hollywood entertainment sparked a rather long session of further “research” this weekend. The two winners included “Town” featuring Ben Affleck and long awaited “The Social Network” featuring Facebook in all its glory. As inspiring as it would be to talk about a potential career as a bank robber from Charleston, Massachusetts, “Town” for SOME reason just didn’t seem to get the butterflies going in my stomach. The Social Network hit a little closer to home. I have always been intrigued by entrepreneurship and the ability of my peers to create. Facebook, something I would consider one of the defining factors of our generation, or online social networking in general literally changed the world. I have always wanted to change the world, but all my aspirations usually included something to do with fighting world hunger or eradicating cancer. Lesson: World change and positive change takes many forms. I need to start thinking outside the box.

The one line from the movie that stuck with me was something along the lines of: Harvard students would rather create their own jobs than settle for another job. This particular idea stuck with me because of the endless personal emphasis I put on being employed when I leave the Scripps Elm trees behind. It is the mindset of innovation and renovation that I need to take in order to truly utilize my own skills. In my opinion, many undergraduate students (and by no means do I mean all) from non-target schools do not have enough faith in their own ideas to pursue them on the large scale. Innovation is what keeps the world turning in an increasingly globalized world. Blogger Rob Warner referenced a talk given by Aaron Hillegass about the end of innovation.

Call me optimistic, but I’m not a believer. Within the last five years, I have managed to talk to my cousin in India while he is Skyping with his mom in Dubai who is Facebooking with her cousin in Atlanta who is in the store buying the new IPhone 4. What kind of world do we live in?? One with possibilities. I find it very, very hard to believe that we have reached the full capacity of human brilliance. With my newfound inspiration, I want to contribute. As spring semester swings around, start a new club, make some new friends, attend more lectures. I know I personally spend too much time cooped up in the Honnold-Mudd Library. Scripps has many, many resources to take advantage of, and you never know how you will be inspired next.

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