Dreams, Disney, and CP&R

Hello everyone! My name is Meg, and I am SO excited to blog for CP&R this semester! I’m quite the dreamer, so I’d like to take a moment to discuss how CP&R fits in with this aspect of me and what it means for my future.

Only a week ago, I was standing between my two best friends from high school at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom watching their fireworks show, “Wishes.” The theme, or even message, of the event was that if your heart is pure and you wish really hard, your heart’s deepest wish will be granted.

Great. Fantastic. If that’s true, then in fifteen years’ time I’ll have been the creator and executive producer of two television series, one Emmy-winning and one cult favorite, as well as the head writer of Doctor Who for a season or two. But, of course, the entertainment industry is one of the most competitive industries in the United States, and the British people would never allow their most popular hour-long drama to be run by an American.

Now, I know that I want these things as much as Pinocchio wanted to be a real boy or Cinderella wanted to go to the ball. However, because my life isn’t a Disney movie, I don’t have a fairy godmother and, as such, my dreams are going to be harder to realize. I do, however, have the CP&R office to help me (please note that I am not trying to glorify CP&R by any means, but they are the ones with the connections and tools it would be near impossible to attain on your own). And I am not Snow White nor am I Cinderella -I am a SCRIPPSIE. I am a Belle, so to speak. I am a young woman who is smart enough to and capable of going out and getting what I want. And so is every other woman who goes to Scripps.

If you got into Scripps, then the great news is you probably have a pretty darn good start on a resume. And as a student at the 5C’s, you’ll have more opportunities than other students at other schools could ever dream of to make connections with people in whatever industry you want to go into. So if you’re a writer, like me, then attend every book Q&A and signing the Writing Department organizes. If you’re a political activist, attend those relevant lectures. And if you properly utilize CP&R, they will help you find internships, make connections online, and write cover letters for job applications. So with you and your natural talents and your CP&R helpers, you really can achieve what you want. It’s through CP&R that I’ve begun to already look at opportunities for internships next summer.

Now, I’m not railing against Disney when I say wishing upon a star will give you want you want is, well, rubbish. I’ve always been a Disney Girl who believes in a happy ending and that anything is possible. Wishes can come true, but you just need to put some real world effort into them, and let the fireworks happen!

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