Networking? You Mean Its Not That Bad?

When most people envision their internship search, they might imagine endless amounts of google searching, emails, resume edits, and cover letter drafts. Now these aspects of your summer internship search are definitely true, but what people often forget, myself included, are networking opportunities and you guessed it…talking to people! Woohoo!


Sorry folks, but you’re not off the hook yet! Photo via lolriot

Networking conferences and events are often the best way to make career connections, whether they be for jobs or those internships which you seek. They are a great way to get a sense of the company just by talking with the representative, rather than just reading about a certain organization online. You can engage, ask questions, and find out what that individual does specifically for the company. While speaking to them, you can get a sense of the companies culture, mission, and receptivity to interns. Sounds like a win-win right? right?

Well, interacting with prospective bosses can be really intimidating! Before I go into any career conference or networking event, I mentally prepare myself just to get my head into the game!


I couldn’t resist the infamous Troy Bolton! He sure knows how to network!

So despite the indisputably fantastic High School Musical Reference, we can learn a lot by the pre-pubescent Troy Bolton…okay maybe not, but he does have a great attitude! Haha

Anyway…here are some other tips for networking successes and career fairs!

  1. Just go for it! Although it sounds daunting and a little scary, you can always learn from these types of interactions. Socializing with future colleagues and coworkers is such a valuable skill, so treat these career fairs as a lighthearted, low stakes, and fun exercise.
  2. Try to be as interested as possible. People really respond to enthusiasm and positive energy, so make this conversation with the companies representative a memorable one!
  3. Ask questions and then ask more questions. They will really appreciate your interest and as a benefit you will learn more about their organization!
  4. Try not be nervous, take a deep breath, and relax. When you realize that the people behind these booths are also humans, it takes the pressure off. They are there to talk with students just like you, so have a good time and who knows maybe you will be working with that specific company in the future! 😉

Have any questions or concerns or want to talk about the glory days of High School Musical, leave a comment below! Good luck folks!




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