Present Now, Preparing Future

A few weeks ago, the senior class had their 100 Days party, 100 days until graduation. I told my parents about the event over the phone and their response was that they were going to have their own countdown at home. A few days afterwards, I got a single text from my mom which was a photo of a magnet notepad on our fridge that read “96 Days.”

This week, that countdown is in the 80’s, and overall, I’ve been oddly calm. At 100 Days, I felt neutral. I was enjoying spending time with my close friends and seeing my peers having a good time together. My time in Claremont and as a Scripps student has seen the best and worst of me. As the countdown continues, I am living everyday present now and preparing for the future.

Everyday, there are responsibilities I need to meet; multiple class readings, practicing viola, practicing piano, and working out. Since the beginning of the calendar year, applying for jobs has been added to that list. But admittedly, it is sometimes difficult for me to juggle a deadline the following day for a reading response versus an open-ended job posting. Graduation is only about two and a half months away. Securing a job seems abstract, but it would definitely be ideal for me if that happened much sooner than later. I am just two and a half months away from the bubble of college, a new chapter of life, starting to establish my career, and meeting a lot of new people.

What lay two and a half months away, is extremely exciting. I have a lot planned, to move to the east coast, start my career, finally be in the same city with my boyfriend after being in a long distance relationship. But before that, there is even more planned, dozens more cover letters, orchestra concerts, midterms, a Vegas trip, spring break camping, projects, my senior recital, senior week in San Diego, and of course, graduation. What exactly is present now in my everyday? What do I need to do in the present to prepare for the future?

Everyday, those responsibilities to fulfill are steps towards what I have planned. Everything accomplished everyday will accumulate. It’s like my psychology thesis last fall. By the end of it, writing the 47 pages seemed to have gone by in a flash, but that was only through a daily grind of researching, writing,  and editing. By the end of this semester, securing a job, finding an apartment, graduating, will all go by in a flash, but only through those dozens of cover letters, follow-up phone calls, interviews, and rejections.

Seniors, let’s finish our semester’s off strong, let’s show thesis who’s boss, knock out those steps for what ever post-graduation plans you’re pursuing. We are present now, basking in the southern California sun at the field house pool, catching up with friends at Wednesday tea, doing homework in Seal Court, at the Motley, on Jaqua Quad. We are present now, we are preparing for our futures, advocating for ourselves, making our worth and experiences known, taking steps for self-care and self-love as the days continue to here begins new life.

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