The Age of Trump: A Millenial’s Future

I believe that this past week’s events are too serious not to address. In the context of the Beyond the Elms blog, which focuses on Scripps students’ experience with career planning and professionalism, there is a lot to say about the results of this election. Regardless of your political beliefs, this election has been trying and grueling for everyone. America is tired. I am tired. As a very politically active and conscious millennial, this week and the results of this election, has rocked me to my core. Although I realize that our country is now faced with the most deeply divided hatred we have seen in decades, there also exists the potential for the most profound change to be made, intertwined with a deepened understanding and support for our fellow citizens. Without question, this election will have a massive impact on the lives of billions of people, specifically for millennials, such as myself, who are nearly graduated and must soon enter into the “real world”, which has become a little too real this past week…


I know it hurts Shelly

I have always wanted to go into politics, with the end goal of helping women. Thus, you can imagine that with the defeat of Hillary Clinton, I got pretty close to renouncing any and all political goals I had, and switching my career path entirely. Basically, I was ready to give up. Upon hearing the results of the election, I immediately emailed my dad saying, “Looks like were moving back to France!” His response was incredibly important in my next realization, “Absolutely not. If anything, now more than ever, we need YOU in politics, to start fixing this mess. This is your time.” Reading his response made me really realize something: This is our new reality, one we must learn to accept and grow from.

This election is also an important reminder that life isn’t easy. Just when you think you’ve reached something great, you can have it take away from you in an instant. When you think that you deserve something, that you’re sure to get that internship or job, there is always a looming possibility that you’ll fail. But just like elections, it’s not something you can just shut down from. Growth, in the face of adversity, is inevitable, if we take up a positive attitude. I argue that many people in our country are looking at us as to change the system, and rather than focusing on our differences, to come together in order to fix it. I say this regardless of what you’re studying, whether its comp sci or politics, we are all students at liberal institutions. Most college campuses, even in conservative areas, are typically sources of liberal thought and growth. We are in a bubble more than ever but this is the time to listen to each other and use our collective voice to make change.


             If anything, this election has given me the push I really needed to get a jumpstart on what I believe needs to change in my country. It has also given me greater clarity on my true passions in life and how to translate this towards an end goal career. With the help of my best friend at Scripps, we are creating an organization called “SheSpeaksOut”, where we plan on hosting workshops for young women in order to improve on public speaking skills, and in general, boosting overall confidence in order to become a leader in the classroom, in the workplace and in one’s daily life. I urge everyone to evaluate their actions as millenials in how you can make positive changes in your community, and how you will use your unique voice and point of view to make the change you believe needs happen, a reality. Thus, over the past week, I’ve come to understand more about the necessity of ACTION over apathy, than I have in 20 years. I wonder where the next four years will take us all…. Politically, emotionally and professionally.


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