A Midsemester Night’s Dream

If money were no object.  I think that this is a condition that all of us have wished for at one point or another.  Then we would never have to worry about doing the things we don’t like to do with our time.  For example I am really avoiding a large essay I have to write. 

I feel as if my entire life has been setting me up for a job.  Get good grades, get those leadership positions, and make connections so you can move one step higher on the ladder on your way to a nebulous goal.  But what is it actually going to be like to get there?  I have hopes but I cannot truly know.

I know that if money suddenly became no object and I could spend my days and nights however I wanted to I would immediately dive into a life of leisure.  When hasn’t a night gone by that that my dearest wish is to curl up in bed and watch Netflix?  I would spend whole days sleeping.  I would go to every play and movie I possibly could.  I would eat in all the best restaurants.  I would share these adventures with loved ones.  It sounds so blissfully ideal while stuck in the trenches of the mid semester slog.

But as I know from summer vacation, eventually I grow restless in this time of leisure.  My time in the educational system conditioned me with a restless desire to always be occupied.  So I think once I got past the initial laziness and leisure, I would want to learn.  I would want to learn as much as I could about different people.  I would read all the books I could get my hands on.  Then maybe, just maybe, I would have the tools to know how to really make a difference in the world.  To learn how to make the most of my time here.

I believe there are aspects of this perfect life in the entertainment/performance career that I want to peruse.  I know that the thirst to understand the world around me is built into it.  After spending so many years preforming and involved in the arts I believe that it is a method of coping, of processing and trying to reach understanding of our world.  But most of all I think I’m attracted to it because of the people I hope to find and make connections with there.  I hope to find the people who process through expression.  And who knows what will be the case?  But I’m excited to see where this path leads me! But for now..

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