It’s Okay to Be Uncertain

Wouldn’t it be handy to be able to see the future? Think of all of the tests you could have studied harder (or less) for, or how much time you could have saved on _____ if only you had known that _____. It sounds wonderful, right? Being in the know is definitely a stress reliever and can definitely make work easier.

The bummer is that nobody can see the future. Everything, as far as you and I know, is up for grabs. It can be stressful, in fact, sometimes it is incredibly stressful. I think back to college apps and wished I could have reminded myself from the future (even though I probably knew) that things would work out one way or another.

Uncertainties can be found in a variety of departments from jobs to school to relationships to majors and beyond. Postulating about what may be rarely helps, even though it may feel like you’re preparing for what may come. What does help is action.

Actively looking for things you can do to help yourself out is one way you can not read, but maybe adjust your future. I rarely believe in luck; favorable probabilities tend to result from hard work and strategy, though sometimes there is a little magic to how things turn out.

I know that I’m not entirely sure where my life is going in the grand scheme of things, but I can identify immediate interests (I’ve declared a Foreign Languages major, I’m joining clubs) that help me explore possibilities and whittle down some uncertainties. My next step is summer jobs and internships, which I’ve heard is invaluable in helping find out what you enjoy. As I look around for things, I’m excited to have the chance to apply to (and if I’m lucky, try out) something new.

So if you’re stressing out about finding summer jobs or jobs for the semester, or maybe you’re waiting to hear back from grad schools that you’ve applied to, have faith. With your hard work going in and some patience (as well as some flexibility), whatever the end result is, you will be able to live with it and work from there. For now, sit back, set the stress from uncertainty to the side because you have probably done just about everything you can.

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