Let’s Go Fly

When I think of my future, a lot of question marks seems to visualize out of thin air. Let’s just say there is still a lot to be figured out. Now when I think of how I could react, there are two ever so near and dear options:

  1. Freak out
  2. Stay calm

The funny thing is I often go back and forth in between these two options. However I do *try* to embody the latter. How do you do this miraculous thing called ‘calmness’ you might ask?

Well a lot of it has to do with having faith that a certain recipe of moving parts will collide, leaving me okay in the end (whatever okay even means).  Hard work, perseverance, aptitude, and the right attitude leave quite a bit of room for beautiful and serendipitous things to happen.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

No matter what situation you apply these excellent words to, I think there are many lessons to be learned from this quote. In regards to the very daunting and unknown future and what we like to call ‘the real world,’ there are often situations that present themselves and you have to jump and then soar. You may not know where this will take you, often times you have no clue where it will take you, but isn’t that the adventure of living in the moment? It’s mysterious, it’s scary, and its marvelous all at the same time.

Taking that literal leap of faith, not knowing where you are going to land and just winging it (flying pun intended) will take you on the ride of your life and maybe it won’t take you anywhere special, but it’s all apart of the journey. We might as well enjoy it!


Mary Poppins knows how to fly!

So let’s go flying, what do you say? Will you join me?

Hope so,




Blank Space

Now before you start singing along with my bestie T-swizzle, you might be wondering how this song have anything to do with your career and internship search? Well funny you should ask!

One of the worries students have when they first enter college or even during these four years is that they are not doing enough (I have personally been under this line of thinking). So let me tell you how unhelpful it can really be and what you can do to get rid of it!

Don’t get me wrong, being involved in activities, groups, and organizations that you are passionate about is a wonderful way to gain professional experience and just have fun! But often times, when students think only about the *blank space* on their resume, things can get real bad.


If you make all your activities forever, then you may go down in flames!

At a certain point, yes it is important to have great internships and experiences on your resume (and I am sure you will all have these one day soon), it can also be unhealthy to spread ourselves too thin.

Don’t let your resume talk to you and say “Nice to meet you. Where you been?” I’m sure your resume could show you incredible things if you let it, but it’s important not to take on too many responsibilities, because other wise you may be overwhelmed.

So here are some tips to stay cool and calm, just like Taylor!

She knows how much she can handle!

She knows how much she can handle!

  1. Take things one at a time and you will learn how much you can handle.
  2. It is okay to say no to certain responsibilities and yes to others. This is your life and you are in control of it!
  3. Your health is most important and in order to take care of yourself do not feel bad if you have to readjust your involvement in extra-curricular activities.
  4. What you are doing already is enough, do not feel you need to take on activities for anybody but yourself.

So don’t make that blank space take you too far! Make sure to be involved in what you care about for the reasons that are right for you!

Happy discovering!






Don’t Know What To Do With Your Life? Get Some Coffee First

Remember those distant years when dinosaurs were roaming the earth and you were writing college essays and were about to make one of the biggest decisions about where to spend the next four years of your life? Well…maybe the timing doesn’t quite check out, but applying to schools while still being in high school does sound quite archaic.

I will never forget applying to schools and having to articulate what I wanted to study or what I am academically interested in, because when coming to college I was interested in everything. It was a bit overwhelming when I would have to choose what I wanted to do with my life, because pretty much everything sounded interesting. I learned to accept the fact that not knowing what to pursue in this precise moment was okay and that having a lot of interests was a good problem to have…but that took quite a while to happen. So after going through that fun and slightly terrifying process, what do I recommend someone to do in the same shoes? Well its obvious isn’t it? Drink some coffee.


No explanation needed here, meow!

Now I mean this in both a literal and metaphorical way. So yes, if you so desire go to the Motley and feast your eyes on the best coffee shop menu of all time (not like I’m biased or anything) then just sit down on one of the comfy sofas and enjoy your life.

But I also mean going to the coffee shop, looking at the menu, and weighing your options in a metaphorical way. (If you forgot that I love metaphors, well now you know 😉 But think about it, you walk into the Motley and one of the first things your eyes are looking at is all the possible drink combinations. Drinks can come with various pumps of flavoring, or they can be blended, smoothies, hot, spiced, you name it! All of these drink options are a lot like your various options of study. And the best solution to dealing with this dilemma? Spend all your flex and try all the drinks with various combinations, toppings, pumps, and special flavors. Wohooo!

When presented with the fortunate option of having many academic paths in front of you, you might as well try all of them that interest you! Don’t be afraid to dip your foot in the waters of unknown academic adventures, it might just be your new favorite subject. So try that random class that you think sounds cool, get the mocha you’ve been craving all day, and trust that your willingness to try new things will work out!

Enjoy your caffeinated journey to academic happiness folks!


Networking? You Mean Its Not That Bad?

When most people envision their internship search, they might imagine endless amounts of google searching, emails, resume edits, and cover letter drafts. Now these aspects of your summer internship search are definitely true, but what people often forget, myself included, are networking opportunities and you guessed it…talking to people! Woohoo!


Sorry folks, but you’re not off the hook yet! Photo via lolriot

Networking conferences and events are often the best way to make career connections, whether they be for jobs or those internships which you seek. They are a great way to get a sense of the company just by talking with the representative, rather than just reading about a certain organization online. You can engage, ask questions, and find out what that individual does specifically for the company. While speaking to them, you can get a sense of the companies culture, mission, and receptivity to interns. Sounds like a win-win right? right?

Well, interacting with prospective bosses can be really intimidating! Before I go into any career conference or networking event, I mentally prepare myself just to get my head into the game!


I couldn’t resist the infamous Troy Bolton! He sure knows how to network!

So despite the indisputably fantastic High School Musical Reference, we can learn a lot by the pre-pubescent Troy Bolton…okay maybe not, but he does have a great attitude! Haha

Anyway…here are some other tips for networking successes and career fairs!

  1. Just go for it! Although it sounds daunting and a little scary, you can always learn from these types of interactions. Socializing with future colleagues and coworkers is such a valuable skill, so treat these career fairs as a lighthearted, low stakes, and fun exercise.
  2. Try to be as interested as possible. People really respond to enthusiasm and positive energy, so make this conversation with the companies representative a memorable one!
  3. Ask questions and then ask more questions. They will really appreciate your interest and as a benefit you will learn more about their organization!
  4. Try not be nervous, take a deep breath, and relax. When you realize that the people behind these booths are also humans, it takes the pressure off. They are there to talk with students just like you, so have a good time and who knows maybe you will be working with that specific company in the future! 😉

Have any questions or concerns or want to talk about the glory days of High School Musical, leave a comment below! Good luck folks!




Being the Youest You

College, as according to the ever-so-reliable Wikipedia is defined as an “educational institution or a constituent part of one.” But honestly, just between you and me, it seems like that definition should include something with students having to be a part of a circus by all the amount of work, assignments, club meetings, classes, and miscellaneous activities that we juggle.

It’s almost as if we all wear so many different hats with all the different activities we are involved in. Now I’m not talking about the Harry Potter Sorting Hat, but you all should take this quiz and see which house you’re sorted in but I digress.


Harry sure has a lot on his plate too, such as defeating “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” Photo via Huffington Post

It can get pretty easy to loose your authenticity and become desensitized to all the things you have to do on that ever growing to-do list (we all have those weeks!) The art of balancing activities and ways of interacting with professors, co-workers, friends, and our families, can often get mechanical as if we are flipping a switch and all of a sudden have to put on a different mask. I suppose its just a consequence of all of the different thoughts racing through our mind at such a fast speed.

Now apply this to a work or internship setting: You arrive as one part of yourself and then the moment you walk in, you switch to your professional/work/I’m a serious professional that can handle adult life persona (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that — if anything, it shows a high emotional intelligence and capability to compartmentalize your behavior and actions). However the point that I’m trying to make is that while in certain situations, we may have to be a little more relaxed or a little more professional, there is always enough room for your actual self (that isn’t trying to be anything other than you).

Now I’m not saying that you should all of a sudden talk to your boss in the same way you joke around with your friends or tell your professors about that huge party that happened last weekend (although that’s awesome if you are that close with your boss and professors and tell them all about your life), but what I am saying is that it is OKAY to be the most real, raw, authentic version of yourself as much as you can even in professional or work related settings. And when we get down to the point, maintaining your authentic individual voice can be really difficult. After all, the great e.e. cummings once said,

 “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”

From my professional experiences I’ve learned that co-workers, colleagues, superiors, and your boss often like when they can get to know you as a person and relate to you on a personal level. It makes your work relationship even more valuable and that much more fulfilling. So next time you start volunteering in your local community, register for a new class, or start your first day at your internship don’t be afraid to show these people who you really are. Your funny quirks, idiosyncrasies, humor, and overall personality all in good fun. (And pro-tip: you might even get a better letter of recommendation for it, because your boss actually knows you as a person and can validate your awesome existence and humanity).

So don’t be a work robot folks, show your potential boss who you really are!

Have fun being you!!!

Isabella 🙂