The First Foray into Professional Life: Finding A Summer Internship

When I came to Scripps, I had a three-page resume and could not define “curriculum vitae” or even “business casual.” Fortunately, I never had to implement any of these professional necessities before seeking a heavy dose of TLC from CP&R.

But alas, the time has come to start putting all the skills, documents, and important career information I have built up over the past year to the test. Summer internship season has arrived.

I underwent the gruesome processes of assembling my resume into a single-page document, wrote cover letters, and perused The Gateway,, and Life Connections. But with no definite major and no concrete decision about my future plans, what was I to do next about summer plans?

Never turning down the chance to explore, I attended the Panel on Careers in Writing, Publishing, and Media earlier this month. After speaking with CMC and Scripps alums with experience working in fields I might be interested in pursuing, I connected with them via email and LinkedIn to keep in touch and begin to build my network.

A minor, somewhat comical, digression about LinkedIn: I am new to the professional networking site, and if you are too, I recommend avoiding humiliation by not sending requests to connect to your entire email contacts list… I unwittingly sent invitations to my uncle, the mayor of Claremont, and half of the CP&R office simply because they were in my contacts list. I am now happy to be connected to these people, but be careful and be sure to (intentionally) send personalized requests to anyone with whom you wish to network.

To return to the topic internship searches, my advice is this: never turn down an opportunity or a chance to travel down roads you can potentially see your future heading towards. My resume took its maiden voyage into the professional world when I sent it off to a nonprofit organization that works to create policies regarding environmental protection and restoration. My dad, as an environmental lawyer, works with a man who attended Pomona as an undergraduate student and was excited enough about my status as a Claremont student that he was happy to put me in contact with the organization. After a phone interview, I was offered a position of communications intern. I am still working out the logistics of this opportunity, but the fact remains that I would not have gotten this chance had I not taken all the necessary steps and put myself out there beforehand.

Making sure to have all the basics down is the first most important step, but if it is unclear about where to go from there, sniffing around potentially interesting opportunities almost always turns something exciting up. I was able to secure an opportunity after probing opportunities offered by the panel, LinkedIn connections, and the discussion I had with my dad. At any stage of career searching, an open mind and an assertive willingness to experiment might be all it takes to find an incredible opportunity. Now is the time to say yes to everything… and even to risk making mistakes while they are remediable (and while there are resources like CP&R available to help work with them). So build that network (purposefully and responsibly so as not to annoy every person you know)! Talk to that professor about research opportunities! Attend that lecture! You never know where it might take you.

Introductions and First-Year Assumptions

Greetings! My name is Stephanie. I am a current first-year and an excited new CP&R blogger. I am really looking forward to share my experiences and my knowledge about all career-related things through this outlet in the coming months. In this first post, it might make sense to offer some background about where I come from and what I have been up to in my time at Scripps.

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. As I came to understand the fast-paced way of life in the cultural, social, and political hot spot over time, I also quickly determined how I hoped to one day contribute and fit in to this engaging society.  Very early on I was drawn to the art of communications.

In August 2012, Claremont became my new home. With a naïve, yet determined, belief that I knew exactly how my future would turn out, I resolved that English and Media Studies would be my intended fields of study, as these subjects seemed to correspond with my interests in journalism.

As the weeks went on, I became more familiar with the opportunities offered by Scripps life and less confident in my initial decisions regarding my major. G.E.s, cocurriculars, and a plethora of interesting people have a way of wedging open narrow mindsets. It did not take long after interacting with these engaging influences to determine that my interests span across a wide variety of disciplines; this both excited and worried me.

By the end of my first semester, I was unsure of what I wanted to study and more anxious than ever before about not knowing what could happen in my future. Upon registering for spring classes, I decided to continue with my G.E.s so I could keep dipping my toes in different subjects without committing wholly to one field. Politics, environmental analysis, anthropology… is it possible to study everything? My expanding brain unwittingly relinquished the control I once felt I had over my future, and I ended up where I am now, in this spring semester, on unsteady feet. How is it possible that I will be declaring in one year?

Despite my wary attitude towards The Great Unknown (as I have since renamed my future), I have found that the mind-stretching quality of college has been a great blessing.  Without awareness of all the paths, the ideas, and the opportunities that are out there (to which I have become somewhat privy in my short time at Scripps), how could I have ever known what I wanted to do?

So what have I learned? You do not need to know exactly what you want to do with your life before entering college; an open mind is actually extraordinarily helpful! Part of my college experience has been learning along the way, and because of this I hope I will have confidence in the path I decide to follow… as I figure it out. This summer I am pursuing an internship with a nonprofit organization around the Bay Area with the intention of better gauging and understanding potential career options. I will be detailing all these experiences through this blog in real time! With the help of CP&R, I look forward to making The Great Unknown a little less daunting and a little more tangible without losing any of the excitement.