Doubting Yourself? Don’t.

Most of us college students can share that one fateful moment when we get our papers or exams back and just want to curl into a ball and sulk for days on end about our less than perfect score.

Well you’re right… that feeling definitely is not the best one and I can say personally that I have been more than tempted to do just that with loads of sugary sweets by my side. But today I was reminded of the importance of not letting a number define me.

While visiting my professor in office hours and feeling a tad defeated, I was asking her about the questions that I had answered incorrectly and she assuaged my bits of sadness. She told me to never let a test grade define my self worth.

Let’s have that settle for a second. Ready *breathe in* *breathe out*

Ahhhh. Okay so starting to feel a little relieved and I was a little more hopeful but still had those doubts in the back of my mind. Lets expand the zoom on our lives, shall we?

In five years, heck, in two years, no employer will/can see your exam and have any reason to act differently based on a couple of test scores way back when! Yes, while GPA does matter, your grade is *hopefully* not based on one single exam. Take a breather, realize your future is still just as bright and beautiful, and don’t let a number lessen your self-worth.

Remember: you are more than a number, and if you don’t believe me just believe my professor because she know more things than I could ever fathom, mmkay?

So use your experiences to help you create work you are proud of, and remember “success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”

So get busy, get studying, and stop worrying. You are in control of your life and a few lower numbers in the scheme of the universe won’t change that. YOU can do this you wonderfully inspired citizen of the world, don’t doubt yourself.

Until then, smile lots, study until your brains fall out, and drink lots and lots of tea!

And don’t forget to…


Over and out folks, happy last full week before break!

Stay positive,
