And In the End…

In awe of the semester ending (which is blowing my mind) I thought, “What better way to seek advice and expertise from one of the best bands of allllllllllll time?!”

So naturally The Beatles came up and I’ll let you marvel in this great musical creation. So besides their awesomeness, what can we learn from this song. Let’s take a gander at the lyrics that end the song in a warmest and fuzziest of ways.

“And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”

So this phrase seems to be true across many spectrums of thought, right? What you put into something or someone is what you may get out of it. Now the same can be said in regards to schoolwork, our classes, and you guessed it, even internships!! (mwhahah)

But its soooo true! The amount of time, attention, and care you put in developing yourself, which then gets translated into your internship applications is crucial to gaining new experiential opportunities. Internships allow you to test the fields of potential career paths and you want to make yourself seem different from all the other thousands or hundreds of applicants.

What’s the best way to do this you ask, well….do all those outlandish things that you always thought were cool that college students like you have access to!

Examples include:

  1. Find a fun sport that is awesome like ultimate frisbee, fencing, rock climbing, surfing, inner tube waterpolo etc, etc.
  2. Write a book (although this sounds daunting, its extremely do-able! Check out this link. It’s a creative and effective way to spend your winter or summer breaks and looks AHMAZING on a resume! Seriously, how many college students do you know that have a published book? So be the first! Become an expert in something you love and show off all your impressive knowledge. Also this tip comes straight from the Smithsonian Director of Internships, so listen up y’all!)
  3. Join clubs you’re passionate about and try out for leadership positions
  4. Be involved in your community (relating to work in your major/internship passions so that you can say you already have experience in this field

Now that you’re a dynamic individual on paper, make sure to communicate your eclectic nature to those you want to work with. Email them, ask questions, connect on linkedIn. Do anything to show you’re passionate and interested in learning from (insert potential internship opportunity here).

So in regards to the lyric above, replace love with just about anything in life and it applies. It’s karma folks! If you put the right amount of effort, time, and attention into something and just try your best, the universe will take care of the rest. Just apply to all the possible internships you can and something will turn up! (that’s how it worked for me, so you can do it too!) Now I know we are all in finals mode, so same principle applies, study hard, one thing at a time, and you’ll be smooth sailing in a few short days!


Have any questions about other internship tips? Talk to meh!

Good luck with finals folks!!!! Until next semester!

