Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…

Senior year has been full of lots of decisions, which is something that I have never been that great at. The other day I was planning to buy a new nalgene bottle online, and it probably took me 20 minutes of serious debating for me to finally decide that I wanted the color of my new water bottle to be hot pink (the color choices really were endless, but come on, a water bottle? When I think about it, it seems so trivial, yet there I was going back and forth between hot pink and sky blue). If choosing a color is this hard, how am I supposed to make decisions on much more important things, like which grad schools to apply to or how to conduct my thesis?

As far a grad school progress goes, I will admit that I have not studied for the GRE as much as I would have liked to at this point, however, I can confidently say that I have made a list of most of the schools I want to apply to, with their requirements and deadlines in a nice little spreadsheet. I have included some top reach schools, some middle level schools, as well as some schools that (I hope) I would be able to get into without too much trouble. After some more research I found a journalism program at CUNY that looks super appealing to me. In the past few years, due to the increasing use of new technology to spread information, lots of journalism programs have been re-structuring their curriculum to provide “new media” approaches. The great thing about CUNY’s program is that it is brand new (they opened in 2007) and was actually created with the changes in the journalism industry already in mind. One of the schools pre-requisites is that students have iPhones in order to send and receive information as quickly as possible!

I have also made some progress on my thesis as well. I have started my literature review and have found lots of interesting materials so far. I have also tried to start contacting professors who I have previously taken classes with who I think might be able to offer some advice or at least some reading suggestions, even if they are not officially once of my thesis readers. I figure the more suggestions I have, the better my thesis will be.

Finally, I have tried to organize my life by starting to use iCal instead of my notebook planner. The great thing about iCal is that I can easily see what is happening for the entire month, something that I wasn’t able to do very well in my other planner. I can also color code everything, which for some reason I find quite fun (wow, I’m a dork!). Hopefully, if I have everything written down and somewhat organized, making decisions will be much easier.