Getting Involved is Actually Pretty Cool

Hello again! While last week I recapped what I learned from my job this summer, this week I’m talking about how I plan to use all those tools that I gained from my job around campus. One of my main goals this year was to get more involved on campus, so I can plump my resumé, and also learn more useful skills. In my first few weeks here, I’ve gotten involved with activities that aren’t just useful, they’re things I really enjoy doing! This is kind of a shock to me, because getting involved wasn’t exactly something that was emphasized in my huge public high school. It was something that was done, sure, but only for college resumés- no one ever took things seriously. At the 5C’s, however, I’ve found that I actually really enjoy getting involved, because people genuinely care about what they’re doing, and doing it well. I’ve had great experiences so far. I loving the extra work just as much as Rihanna.

            First off, I came to school early so I could be a Peer Mentor at Scripps. Peer Mentor training exposed me to a lot of great resources around campus, as well as ways that I could be a better ally within the Scripps community. I get to plan events for first year students as well, so for all the first years that may be reading this, we’re planning on going to the Pasadena farmer’s market on September 25! So come, and get all your fresh, organic, California food and snacks.

Second off, I joined The Student Life. I didn’t have the best time with my newspaper in high school, but TSL has a great staff that I’m really excited to get involved with. My first article is coming out this week, about Adidas Kicks. I feel a lot more comfortable working in a team environment after doing so this summer, and am really excited to write a lot of cool articles. Non-fiction writing is something that I really enjoy doing, and a skill that I plan to hone.

Third off (woah, there’s a third? Yes, there’s a third), I’m in the Humanities Institute. It’s basically a class that sounds really great on a resumé, where you get to have class with a bunch of well-established speakers. The topic this year is the War on Terror, and I love that it’s relevant to what I think will be one of my majors: Politics. We haven’t had any speakers in class yet, but from the literature we’ve read and the discussions we’ve had so far, I’m excited to see where the class will go in the future.

Besides all that, I’m still involved with the same activities I was last year. I often find myself worried about getting overwhelmed more than I actually am overwhelmed.

anxieties But as I’m writing this, I’m realizing it’s the last thing that I have to write tonight, and I still have time to do my reading, and go workout for a bit. I have really high hopes for this school year, and for the future in general. Being at Scripps, and around such great people, keeps me motivated and focused. I’m so happy to be back.