The Gift That Is the “Present”

Now I don’t know about you, but I am a huge sucker for quotes. You name ’em, whether they’re regarding life being too short for crappy coffee or Andy Warhol’s interesting observation that “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.”


He’s quite the character! Photo via Wikipedia

But before we start looking too much into the future, like Andy Warhol, let’s focus on the gift that is right before us, the ‘now.’ Well college, as most of you know, is quite the whirlwind accompanied by the never ending to-do list. But how lucky are we, that we always have something to do? The very fact that we get to learn and explore our passions-its a blessing that often times gets pushed under that Core paper or the varying assignments one faces in a given week.

Although it’s tempting to constantly be thinking of the future, it can detract from the very life and cosmic motion that is happening all around you. “But I need to find internships and apply to grad school and get good grades so I can get that scholarship! I have to be thinking of my future!” -Most college students at one point in time. I’ve been there, too; certain weeks all you want to think about is them ending, but tryyyyy to be more present focused and maybe you can enjoy them more. It will most likely lead to higher productivity and better utilization of your study time, as you’re giving all your attention on the task.

One of my many favorite quotes that always puts me in the right frame of mind is this one, by Indian Yogi Paramahansa Yogananada: “Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty all before you. The future will take care of itself.” Whether applying this philosophy of being in the present for school, internships, or career related opportunities, being mindful of the moment, rather than worrying about future ones can make all the difference.

So don’t worry about getting your 15 minutes of fame one day, focus on making those 15 minutes count right now. Whether that means looking for internships, writing your resume, speaking to alumnae, networking, or just planning out your goals.

Start by creating a timeline with dates when you want to achieve your goals. If that means getting an internship, then create an excel file with all the possible groups you’re interested in working with, deadline dates, what you need to submit, and start moving on from there. And don’t ever forget that you are not alone. Resources are always available to help you, and above all else plan to make a stop by CP&R!

Any helpful tricks that make internships easier to handle or other methods so you don’t look at stressed as Andy below?


He’s still quite the character! Photo via Cultivating Culture

Let me know, would love to here from you!

Stay rad folks,
