Choosing Declaring a Major and Minor

Time flies when you’re having fun.  It never occurred to me how close the deadline to declare my major actually was.  As it turns out, I have to turn in the forms by Wednesday.  I have been ready to declare my politics major since the beginning of the year; why I did not do it then is just poor time management on my part.  However, while I was filling out my major declaration form, I realized I would feel all out incomplete without a minor.

I am not saying that just doing a single major and nothing else is bad, at all.  That is what you are supposed to.  If you want to get a little fancy with it and throw in a double major or a minor then go for it!  For me personally, about half of my friends are minoring in something.  I have been weary of a minor up until this point because I have been focused on only taking classes that I believe could influence my future professional career.  But the great thing about a liberal arts college is that we  can learn about everything, not just one thing.  While I am not a scientist, I have decided to minor in environmental science because I love biology and have always been passionate about climate change.  It is an added bonus that I am choosing to focus on environmental policy as a track for my politics major.  It took me an entire night, but I figured out the perfect schedule that allows me to double count some classes for my major and minor, finish my GE’s, and graduate on time.

If any of you are stressing out about requirements or majors, the scripps website has some valuable information on major requirements, what classes you need to take, when you need to take them, and if you can double count or not.  It is also helpful to email or call the registrar’s office and check in on your GE credits, incase you are wondering what you still need to get done.

Taking classes that have to do with your professional career is of course a great strategy.  However, I would advise that you mix it up a little.  Maybe take a class on a topic you do not know much about, or a topic you have always found interesting but know you will never touch on in your professional life.  I am currently enrolled in a Greek Tragedies course.  Do I want to be a classicist?  Am I a great actor?  No and no, but I was all about the greek myths as a kid, so here I am.

Gaining experience in courses you would not normally take is what an interdisciplinary education is all about.  Like I said, I am no scientist, but working in a lab and learning how to analyze data while simultaneously taking politics classes and discussing political theories has taught me how to think critically.  That is a life skill I am glad to have, so take advantage of the liberal arts education.

Speaking of opportunities, I recently decided not to study abroad.  It took a lot of thought, but in order to complete my minor requirements, it just was not feasible.  I am not disappointed however, because I love Scripps and California.  While I will miss my friends who will be gone for a semester, I am excited to pursue environmental science.  Who knows, maybe I will get a cat to keep me company.

Back From Break: A To Do List

At school sometimes a week can fly by so fast that it feels like a day.  However, do not underestimate how long a week actually is, and what can be done during that time period.  Spring break may only be a little over seven days, but that is enough to throw you out of your groove.  Settling back in to courses and schedules can be a pretty big adjustment, even though our time away was technically short.

Where you are in your job search might have influenced how you treated your time off.  For me personally, I have not heard back from many places that I applied to, so I could not fully unplug.  However, I was not completely on top of my game either.  I checked my email every day for internship news and did my homework, but I dedicated most of my time during break to the purpose of taking an actual break.  Sometimes you need it, which is why we have it.  However, now that we are back in school, it is like I was never gone.

I heard back from two of the one dozen internships I applied to over break, and unfortunately did not move on in their hiring process, but that is not stopping me.  I hopped on to LinkedIn and Handshake the first night back on campus and set up a system.  I researched and selected several jobs from each site and moved each to their own tab.  I like to organize them by paid or non-paid, location, due date, and qualifications.  That way I can organize the order that I apply to them in based on how I should tailor my resume and when I should complete each one.  This is a very helpful strategy, at least for myself, because when we are dealing with school work and extracurriculars on top of job searching, we need all of the organization we can get.

I plan on applying to my new list over the course of the week.  There is something about filling out an organized schedule for my week and its workload that makes me feel like I am way more in control of my life than I probably am.

Speaking of managing time, I recently got a peer leader position for the Body Project Collaborative on campus.  I am very excited to start leading workshops, but first must go through a training course.  The course is all day Saturday and Sunday, meaning I am going to have to find time for homework.  I plan on dedicating all of Friday, as I do not have class, to completing as much homework as I can in order to prevent a stressful Sunday night.

I am passionate about social topics such as the media’s influence on body image and gender norms; I know I will enjoy facilitating Body Project workshops and developing my leadership skills.  Another plus side to getting the position is updating my resume, an activity that I always have fun with.  Adding experience always gives me a little boost of confidence.

Overall, getting back from spring break and settling into my routine once again has been fulfilling.  I am excited to get back to work and hopefully will receive some good news from internships within the next couple of weeks.

The Silent Group Chat and My Routine

A routine is something that many of us cannot help but have.  It comes with the inevitable structure of our time, whether professional or academic.  We have class from 10:00am – 10:50am, then from 1:15pm – 2:30pm.  One day will probably work from 9am – 5pm.  I know that I am not the only one who creates a pattern in my daily actions that correlates to certain times of the day.  What I didn’t know, however, was how much I rely on that routine to get stuff done.  How did I come to this realization, you ask?  Parents weekend.

I love Family weekend.  Not only because I normally get free food out of it, but also because I enjoy the company of my family.  This Family weekend was a little different than my last, however, because last time my parents didn’t exactly come.  I am pretty sure they went skiing, which is honestly a fair alternative that I would probably choose over visiting myself given the opportunity.  This time around, I got the whole gang, including my little brother who happened to be touring both Pitzer College and Claremont McKenna College.  On top of my family actually being here, two of my friends flew home to Seattle to see visit home, and another two of my friends had their families come visit.

Now I can see how one would fail to find the problem in this scenario, but my friends play a huge role in the upkeep of my routine.  We get every meal together, go to the gym together, and do our homework together every day.  Yes, we are a productive group.  If something happens and someone’s schedule changes, we have the group chat to coordinate timing and meet-ups.  This past weekend, the group chat was silent.  I’ve never experienced the silent group chat.  Sure, I have no idea when I’m supposed to eat lunch, but everything’s fine.

So, without the group chat constantly reminding me of how my friends are managing their time, I somehow naturally forget how to manage my own.  The consequences consisted of spending an entire Saturday long boarding around campus with my dad and brother as opposed to writing a five page essay on the role of institutions within varying economic theories.  I do not regret procrastinating in order to spend time with my family, because this is just one weekend out of the year.  I do however realize the importance of sticking to my routine even when key factors to my schedule are missing, such as my friends.

The biggest consequence, at least for me, of mismanaging my time would be the emails.  I can make up for lost time when writing an essay, mainly because I simply enjoy writing, but ignoring my email for a day was the biggest mistake of my week.  I opened my computer Sunday morning to about 47 unread emails, each one a notification of a potential internship from job boards on LinkedIn and Glassdoor.

So the majority of my Sunday was spent not on actual homework but on catching up with internship suggestions and organizing my options.  With the added work of internship applications on top of our academic homework, time management becomes even more important.  While I love spending every moment that I can with my friends, I need to focus on my individual routine the next time I decide to ignore my work for a day.  It is great to have others to help support your organization and motivate you to go workout or write your essay, but I would advise not becoming too reliant on that support system, or you may have to read through 47 job emails.

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint

The first week back from winter break is always a little hectic.  The days seem to stretch on for a week, and yet the week seems to last only a day.  Coming back from a month of Christmas cookies and relaxation, I felt more than ready to throw myself back in the game of homework and internship applications.  The one problem with a month’s worth of energy built up in your brain is that you may overestimate your work capacity.

By Monday evening, after my roommate and I had settled in, I already had about twelve tabs open on my laptop.  Half of those were different internships, the other half consisted of handshake, Linkedin, the Scripps student portal, and so on.  My adrenaline, having been dormant for several weeks, was released during the online internship search and all of a sudden I felt like I could either run a marathon or run for President and probably win either way.  A classic mistake.

I made the impulsive decision that night to try and add an extra course to my schedule about history and media, then I emailed my dad in a frenzy asking whether or not I should minor in Marketing, Media Studies, or History.  I then emailed my older cousin, asking her to review and edit my resume.  By Tuesday morning I was enrolled in five courses, had an appointment with Career Planning & Resources about internship applications, and another appointment with SAGE (Study Abroad and Global Education) about finding the right program for my semester abroad next year.  After going to three classes that day, I realized I needed to start several applications for some political internships in Washington DC, read about one-hundred pages before class the next day, and call my aunt for some information on a potential connection with a campaign internship.  Needless to say, by Tuesday night, the thought of writing another cover letter made me want to hide under my Rams blanket forever (go Rams).

Life lessons are usually something you think about years after the fact.  For example, say someone, who will remain nameless, spent hundreds of dollars on coffee every year in high school and did not realize the consequences of poor money management until college, and now must limit her coffee intake.  Do not, under any circumstances, fall into the trap of expensive coffee.That is an important lesson that took me half a decade learn.  This week, I learned the lesson of career patience in the matter of 48 hours.  I am not saying that pounding out several applications, setting up several appointments, coming up with a course schedule for the next two years, and overloading on classes all in one night is a bad thing.  It is great to have those days where you briefly conquer the world.  However, if you go about your day thinking you have to conquer the world, the stress can weigh you down.  Yes, internships have application deadlines, and yes, it is great to plan ahead, but this week I learned that trying to meet every deadline in one day is not going to help me in the long run.  If applications are not due for at least another month, there is no reason I need to finish them by the end of the week.

Part of time management is learning the consequences of overworking yourself.  It can be just as unproductive as procrastinating.  The first week back is always a little hard, because I have to get back into the groove of things.  I am happy to say that I now feel like I have figured out my schedule and am ready to tackle those applications once again, just maybe not all at once.

Planning from Day One

At the beginning of my second semester at Scripps, I remember attending a required, yet enlightening, Off Campus Study information session. I was one of only two freshmen siting quietly in a humanities classroom surrounded by ten or twelve second-semester sophomores. The off campus advisors present didn’t even have the appropriate planning forms for freshmen and they simply asked us to write down my contact information separately with which they would schedule us an appointment. Mostly, they just seemed a bit confused as to why these freshmen were so intent on getting a meeting with Off Campus Study so far ahead of time. Truthfully, from the beginning of my first semester, I knew that there would only be a small window of time to develop what I called my “study abroad strategy” and I wanted to get working on it as soon as possible.

Like I have mentioned many a time on Beyond the Elms, I am a science major. Though undeclared at that point in time, I found myself drawn to Biology and Physics classes and was excited to take each new prerequisite. As a budding Biology student, I knew that I would have to take a substantial number of classes for my major, so planning for my sophomore, junior, and even senior semesters was essential. However, these science classes weren’t the only experiences for which I was ready to start organizing. Since early high school, I had been mesmerized by the mere thought of traveling to Japan. For me, being able to see the wondrous sites of Japan in person excited me to no end. I knew that, once I was in college, an off campus study program was my opportunity to travel there. Unfortunately, my academic and “cultural” goals eventually became mutually exclusive; it would be very difficult to study any field of science in Japan, but additionally impossible to become immersed in Japanese culture staying here at Scripps. Planning for both required finesse and I was determined to start early and fulfill both of my dreams.

While my experience of scheduling early and time management revolved around study abroad, you can utilize this type of approach for many different scenarios. It is first important to recognize what is most valuable to you, either an experience, class, opportunity, etc. Once you determine a goal or two that seems to rise above all others, you can then compare the weight of your other opportunities against them to help you develop a hierarchy or desires. “Demoting” less desired experiences both clears up your scheduling in an effort to work towards those more important tasks and strengthens your desire for certain experiences by understanding why certain wants were eliminated. The next step is to find the people or institutions that can help you achieve those larger, overarching goals. For me, this was done by not only contacting Scripps Off Campus study, but also identifying Scripps during my college search in the first place. Scripps appeared to be an institution where I would have the resources and ability to both participate in science and study abroad. You often don’t have the funds or time to accomplish many of your most important goals all on your own, so finding those people with the connections, resources, and knowledge can help to alleviate that burden.

Given the opportunity to dress in a traditional kimono through my study abroad program

Given the opportunity to dress in a traditional kimono through my study abroad program

Eventually, I was able to get to Japan without falling behind and I am still actively on the road to graduation. Since returning, I’ve been reminded that, without the work I put in before I had even stepped foot in Japan, I may never have gotten there in the first place.