Play ball!

It’s spring: the flowers are blooming, the birds are signing, and most importantly… it’s baseball season!  Over spring break, I ventured out to Phoenix, Arizona for a spring training game in Camelback Ranch.  While the Dodgers are by far NOT my favorite baseball team (Go Marlins!), I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the baseball atmosphere.  Being back in the festivities of the game was refreshing and, of course, it became another reason why I NEED to be in the sports industry.

Last month, I mentioned I would be creating a video essay for an internship application, so here is the update I promised.  Ideally, I would like to become an athlete representative (sports agent) after I get my sports law degree.  Interning at a sports agency would allow me to see first-hand how the industry functions and how agents interact with their clients.

Thanks to the wonderful spring weather, I was able to shoot my video outside in the amazing 73 degree weather of Claremont.  Oh, how I love spring.  Well, here’s my video essay.  Enjoy!


I am going to be pretty persistent on getting an internship at this particular agency.  The agency just seems to be the ideal place for me to learn and get a head start on my career.

First, the agency is located in Hollywood, Florida, which is close to home (Miami, Florida).  I would not need to find housing or transportation.

Second, they are fairly new, but I see a ton of growth potential for them.  They do not seem to be like some of the big firms that try to be secretive and exclusive by having a blank website with nothing but an email address.  (Ahem,  Mr. Scott Boras) This agency seems to embrace the core concepts of the first few sports agencies, before they went all money hungry.

Third, they have a baseball division.  Do not get me wrong, I can definitely see myself enjoying a football or a basketball internship.  However, there is something special about the game of baseball, but I cannot pinpoint exactly what that something is.  Maybe it is the value of hard work instilled throughout the game.  In baseball, players have to be extremely motivated and disciplined because hard work really pays off.  Everyone from players to coaches have to work their way to the top through their hard work and perseverance.  Or maybe it really does embody the characteristics of the “American Dream”.

The only way I can truly find out is by putting myself in the game, not literally.  As you saw by my video, I don’t really throw that well, and trust me, you don’t want to see me swing a bat either.  It might fly out of my hands.

For now, I think I would rather stick to the non-athletic aspect of the game.  Hopefully, I will hear back from them soon.  Otherwise, I might have to start my own agency.  Didn’t the Chula Vista little league team win the Little League World Series Championship in 2009?  Hey, Chula Vista is only 2 hours away from Claremont.

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