Oops I did it again

This “oops” moment I’m having now has nothing to do with the international pop sensation. In fact, this issue is like a reoccurring nightmare. It tends to hit when I am most venerable, most comfortable; just as I have become in my current (and maybe even future) home in Madrid.

Here it is: Maybe I want to be a doctor.

“WHAT?! I mean really, Shailini. A doctor?” my subconscious rants. My friends would say it is a miracle if I don’t faint when merely sitting at the doctor’s office (just the sight of blood alone makes me a little squeamish).  “How is it possible that you would even survive the profession and don’t even get me started on med school,” my logical inner self blurts out without hesitation. Clearly, I have rehearsed this before.

It’s at this time I realize that I have lost it. Completely and totally. As I was explaining to one of the many fabulous career counselors at Scripps, I tend to be easily inspired by my environment. After a short time in Madrid, I no longer felt like a small-town Oregon dweller. The city has a vibrant energy that is both captivating and motivating. So, live in a city? Check. Live in the city with scrubs in my locker? An interesting thought…considering this may be the first time it is crossing my mind. I may need to take some time to decide if I’m going to check that one off.

Madrid, the city of siestas and fiestas allows my dreams to go wild. Wild in this case translates to unrealistic. But Inspired Shailini has toggled with the idea of firefighter, musician (I don’t play any instruments mind you), dog walker and Samantha Brown from the Travel Channel. When inspired, my aspirations have no bounds. I have to say that this is a double-edged sword for me. I love that when I am in the right environment, nothing stands in the way of my success (in my head, at least). But it also drives me crazy that options I once closed the door to suddenly reopen with my own personal doorbell ring and business card. So tempting…

I’m not sure how many people experience this problem, but I feel like my liberal arts education has prepared me with the tools and confidence for achievements in a variety of fields. So when asked, “Do you see yourself in [insert profession here]?” the answer typically is something along the lines of, “Yes, with a pot of coffee in hand.”

So the question becomes, what do I want? I want to be inspired. Luckily, I suffer from the problem of chronic-inspiration rather than the opposite. What I have realized from this self-diagnosis is that I am a reflection of my environment, so my workspace plays an important role in my quality of work and my satisfaction with it. I want to be motivated by people who seek to be as equally inspired and fulfilled by their work. As silly as that sounds, this self-realization was a big step for me. The importance of one’s environment is, more often than not, overlooked whether it is in terms of college, pleasure or a career. So it has finally been decided- I’m going to the city. Now, how about a skyscraper with an ocean view?

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