The power struggle

There is nothing like a trip to Barcelona to up one’s spirits. If you are looking to be rejuvenated, just being in the presence of an invigorating piece of art will remind you how small you are in comparison to the world around you. While I stood in front of Gaudi’s La Sagrada Familia (to be completed in 2020, and I highly suggest you go before and after), I couldn’t help but think about how incredible it is that cold, hard stone could be transformed into something that made me forget to breathe. That type of power is indescribable. In the midst of all this, I realized that this power, this passion, is so much greater than me. However, it begins with me. Just a few days later, I came about another phenomenal Ted Talks video presented by the co-founder of the microlending phenomenon Kiva.

Jessica Jackley emphasizes how her inspiration comes from the power of Christianity, and although that doesn’t particularly apply to me, her story reminded me that every sector of study has the possibility to positively affect someone’s life (she was a poetry major mind you!).

Somewhere in between my last post and this one, I decided (drum roll please) that I would like to pursue an internship in an economics related-field during the summer to come. I’m not 100% sure what to expect OR what I will be getting myself into. But, we are making progress by narrowing down the options.

I find the subject matter fascinating, but as I sit in my Economía en el Union Europea class, I am constantly blown away by the immense amount of knowledge my fellow classmates have. Though I am constantly engaged during the class period, on occasion I feel as though I didn’t get my personal copy of “Economics for Dummies.” It’s intimidating. Because I’ve decided just now to throw myself into the field, I’m feeling a like I’m trailing behind while the pack is plowing through ahead. However, it was the magic of Barcelona that reminded me that my feeling of uneasiness is something small in the greater picture. Just as Jackley explains, the power of hope and ability to make change is an individual trait that can be harnessed at any time. So I can’t name off the name of every prime minister in Europe, but I sure will sit down and learn it.

Change can be scary like we’ve established before, but don’t let it set you back. Some of us may have to work a little harder in the beginning, but don’t underestimate your ability to succeed. Just a little bit of inspiration and faith in yourself can go a long way. There is too much to learn and see to shy away from what seems like impossible. And on we go!

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