Worked Up, Winding Down

Working full time this summer has been a humbling experience–and I finally understand why my parents are always so tired when they return from work. Work can be draining. I find that after sitting in an office all day, I have little energy when I come home. Sometimes I am moody, even if I don’t know why. This can be harmful to relationships, especially when I want to spend time with my boyfriend and friends after work.

I thought that college was tiring enough–but now I miss the long breaks between classes, the days I had no classes, and the time I had for myself apart from school work (not to say I don’t like school!).

I enjoy my college classes to the degree that some people might call me a bit of a nerd, but when there is too little balance between work and social life, it becomes stressful. Moreover, when the atmosphere at work is occasionally cold, it does not make the work environment comfortable, and further contributes to my stress load.

So how do I wind down after work?

I’m still trying to figure that one out. I find that listening to music while I ride the subway home helps. Sometimes I read, or even just rest my eyes. When I get home, I like to enjoy a cup of tea to de-stress as well. I try to keep my social life active, and meet regularly with friends. And each day, I start over again. I am definitely grateful for my experience this summer, because I feel like I have a taste of the real world. I’m just not sure I like it.

Do you have any tips for de-stressing after work?

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