My Scripps Story

I really don’t think I’ll be going to a women’s college,” I sighed, sitting in front of my open computer. “But, you should apply to at least ONE women’s college. You eliminate at least half of your competition that way,” my mother argued. We talked about this possibility for quite a while until I finally decided to apply to Scripps College, because 1) their supplementary application materials were minimal, 2) because it was one of only three or four schools I wanted to apply to in my home state of California, and 3) I HAD to apply to at least one women’s college. Little did I know the wonders and whimsy I would experience upon arriving.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I had known the kind of college I wanted to attend since probably the middle of my high school career. Being the introvert that I am, I really appreciated a small, integrated school environment with a strong foundation in the liberal arts eduction. I applied to an many of these schools as possible, increasing my odds and potential yield (as any good college-obsessed high school senior will advise you). So when I didn’t get into many of the schools I was originally excited and enthusiastic about, I was obviously disheartened.

One of the few schools who responded well to my application was, wouldn’t you know it, Scripps College. I even remember getting a hand-written note from Dean Marcus-Newhall on my acceptance letter specifically mentioning my supplemental essay. I was pleased and interested, but still not convinced that a women’s college could win me over. It wasn’t that I had any particular prejudice against all-girls’ schools as a whole. I think I felt as if I somehow didn’t appreciate the women’s college experience as much as others. By attending a women’s college, I felt like I had to somehow embody a “women’s college” girl, which I both didn’t feel comfortable doing and felt like others could do better.

Nonetheless, I was accepted there, so, because of its close proximity, we decided to visit Scripps for its Admitted Students Weekend. As we approached the college, I sighed. I had spent the last two weeks traveling to two of the other colleges that had accepted me. I was incredibly excited about both of the institutions, but had been sadly disheartened about what I had found. I didn’t feel connected to either of the colleges and neither seemed like a place I could see myself going. Both my mom and I agreed about the two previous schools and were not exactly enthusiastic about visiting another, potentially disappointing college. Needless to say, the mood was lack luster.

The first thing I remember seeing on Scripps campus was the huge tower of green and white balloons meant to flag down prospective students and families. I was immediately taken aback by the welcoming atmosphere and smiling faces of the admission staff. It felt almost surreal as I was whisked away into Balch Auditorium with dozens of other women whispering in excitement. I don’t think my affect really changed until I met my temporary host, Maddie, who I see all the time around school today! She was really the first one who opened my eyes to the wonders of Scripps. She took me, nested within a bigger group of prospective students, to the Margaret Folwer garden. She picked some oranges for us as we walked up the quad. She brought us to her residence hall and introduced us to at least five or six of her friends who just happened to be walking by. And this is when I got the first inklings of why I truly love attending Scripps. Every person I met, be them current or prospective students, truly felt like a friend. I found myself itching for more, to be able to talk with everyone for even just a minute longer. The way I describe it today is that everyone at Scripps is a version of me, someone with whom I can relate. And while none of them seemed to be the head-to-toe “Scripps woman” I’d envisioned, everyone seemed to posses certain qualities of respectable, kind, gentle, and caring young women. It was only when pulled together that they embodied the true Scripps community.

I remember speaking to two of my new awesome friends (shout out to Emily and Moriah!) after the weekend was drawing to a close. One of them boasted that she had turned in her acceptance forms as soon as she’d arrived on Sunday. The other claimed that she was off to the Office of Admission right then to turn in her papers. Today, I constantly express the same enthusiasm that we all felt after experiencing Scripps for the first time. I try everyday to expose others to this fantastic community, only attainable through the contributions of everyone.

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