Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and as I’ve found out, leaves fall off of the trees, even in Southern California. It’s easy to forget that time passes here, with such consistent and beautiful weather.

As I spend time thinking about the upcoming holiday, there are some people who come to mind that have helped me figure out where I want to be going with my career.

My parents and sister (and my family/extended family as a whole) are definitely some of the people I owe the most thanks to. Other than raising me, they have helped me find a school that suits me and have always been encouraging and realistic about what I want to do. Not only do they cheer, but they also keep things real by asking important logistical questions that make me think about how I’m going to apply what I’m doing in the future for a job, internship, or something else. They push me to keep looking for opportunities and are there to support me with whatever I endeavor to do.

I also owe a lot to my high school teachers, especially my Modern European History and World Affairs teacher. I’d often need a pass after her class to go to my next class because we’d be talking about something from class, something from the news, or maybe something one of us had seen that made us think of the other person. She was young, educated, and in tune to current events, as well as her own thoughts and emotions. She is someone I look up to and respect for her hard work. She’s also been helpful an encouraging while I find my path. One day she held me back to show me a United Nations job program called the Young Professionals Program, something she had seen and thought of me.

There are so many people to give thanks to. Spanish professors, fellow board members, friends, instructors… Whether or not it is obvious, these people have shaped my career direction as well as my personal direction. There are so many experiences that have shaped my understanding of what I want to do, and all of them have something to claim as part of that. Even my high school chem professor encouraging as I pursue a degree in foreign languages 🙂

Thank you. And whether you are having a friendsgiving here on campus, going home, or spending time with a friend’s family, have a happy Thanksgiving!

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