What Time is It!

As I write this, spring break is a mere 3 days away. I can feel the break from classes and the lack of rehearsal every single night. It’ll be bliss not having to go to class every day, but careers wait for no one. As much as I want to kick back and not doing any work by a pool somewhere, I will be doing as much work as possible.

Here’s how to make the most of your spring break (or my way at least)

  1. Plan out time to work on applications

It is insanely difficult to find time during the school week to work on school work, hang out with friends, and apply for summer opportunities. During spring break is the perfect time to worry less about school work and take some time to finish those applications. Dedicate some mornings or afternoons to filling out a certain amount of applications before you can do anything else.

  1. Update your LinkedIn profile

So many employers have asked me to paste my LinkedIn profile link on my application. This online profile carries weight when employers want to see who you know and what experience you have. Make sure it is up-to-date and offering the best of you.

  1. Get some Homework out of the way

Have an essay coming up or presentation right after spring break. Spend a little time prepping those assignments and maybe even finishing them. Some of my spring break will be spent doing homework, so when I come back I can make meetings with my professors about concepts I do not understand or to proudly turn in a finished assignment. With my busy schedule during homework for a week or two in advance is rewarding with more sleep or fun.

  1. Check out that 4-Year Plan

Graduating and moving on from Scripps is a big goal for any Scrippsie. One thing that could be holding you back is GEs and credits. Take a look at that four-year plan (or make one if you do not have one). Make sure you are on track to graduate. How many credits do you still need? What GEs could be double-counted? When will you take your major classes, while fitting in some really interesting courses? It’s better to do it for a couple of hours during spring break than to be blindsided later on.

  1. Revamp your organizational habits

Did you feel really stressed during midterms? Not just the regular stresses that come with trying to pass and cram knowledge into your brain. Is there something that you wished that you would have done to make your school life smoother? Take the time over break to reflect on what worked with your organizational system and what could have gone better. Why push those new school year resolutions to next year when you have after spring break to implement new strategies?

  1. Kick Back

Spring Break is just that A BREAK!!! The suggestions that I have listed before are great, but you have kicked butt for the first half of the semester. You deserve a break. Do not let the entire break go by without taking time for yourself. Go camping with friends. Watch whatever show you have been meaning to binge. Do whatever makes you happy and gives you a chance to unwind from the stress of labs, tests, and applications. 

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