New Year, New Possibilities

So its the new year, students have returned back to this lovely campus, the stillness is happily disrupted by the sound of the pencils on paper as you furiously take notes, the laughs and joys coming from your hallway at the joyous reunion of friends, and the delicious and satisfying taste of fresh Scripps cookies!

What better way to bring in the lovely 2015 with great internship tips, career related advice, and wonderful pictures of cats?!

Don't be scared young grasshopper! This kitty hasn't read Beyond the Elms yet!

Meow, meow, meow. This kitty hasn’t read Beyond the Elms yet! Photo via Pets Advisor.

Now I know what you might be thinking…yeah the new year has arrived, but that means I have to actually figure out what I am doing this summer *insert scary emotions and anxiousness here*. But not to worry, we won’t leave you behind and unlike this adorable yet poor cat, there’s really no need to fear!

Since the summer is approaching it would be a great idea to make a game-plan. When you begin to think about why you may be worried about internships, it may be due to the fact that you haven’t really explored all your options yet or you haven’t actually applied to all the places you want to gain experience from yet.

So let’s start with a deep breath and an organize ourselves. Create an excel file of all the internships or volunteer opportunities that you are interested in. Make sure to note their due dates, application requirements, and any other helpful tips like what city are they located in or who you should contact for further questions. Now this may sound tedious but trust me, its a lifesaver. Having all your application information in one place makes you feel all put together and squared away (even if only for a little bit!)

See this cat already feels better after getting its internship list organized!

See… this cat already feels better after getting its internship list organized! Photo via Animal Fair.

The next step is applying…dun dun dun. What even are cover letters? Resumes? You mean I actually have to rewrite these every time I apply to another internship? Hate to break it to ya champ, but you must! But that’s okay, stay tuned for magnificent, practical, and efficient advice on how to tackle the metaphorical beast of internships!

Fear not my fellow internship seekers and stay tuned for career and internship help as we navigate the waters of Spring Semester! Oh and of course more pictures of adorable animals!

Welcome back everyone!


P.S. Have adorable cat videos you want to send my or questions about internships and online applications? Please send them my way! I would love to help!

What’s So Spooky About an Internship?

In honor of the fun and festive Halloween holiday coming up soon, it seems very fitting to compare experiential learning opportunities to the spookiness of the season! (Well to me at least it does, so let’s just roll with it, mmkay?)

When you get thinking about internships, it seems a twinge of panic and uncertainty are almost second nature. But why this negative association with such a potentially wonderful eye opening experience? (I mean look at that cat, simply adorable!)


See… internships can be fun! Photo via Blogging4Jobs

In relation to the Halloween theme, internships are kind of like haunted houses. Once you enter your new place of work, you are not quite sure where you will end up or what exactly you are going to be doing. There are multiple twists and turns, leading into an unlit and unfamiliar path. You run into new obstacles, just like new tasks presented to you at your work. You also venture off into creepy corners with secret hidden zombies who you didn’t know existed, just like entering your new office space for the first time and meeting your new supervisors and fellow interns! But when the lights turn on and you get more comfortable, you realize its not scary at all!


Just like an internship right? Well…not really. Photo via The Local

Now I am not calling your potential co-workers creepy zombies or Cyclops, but they are definitely new and unfamiliar people in your life that you are going to be working with for the next couple of months. So get to know them really well and maybe their scary masks will come off and you can develop truly meaningful relationships with them (and future LinkedIn connections, woot woot!!)

Halloween masks and costumes are also similar to your summer internship, as you take on a new career-related identity. You have to act in a more professional way than you may be used to, act more maturely than simply when you’re hanging out with friends, as well as learn new skills. But fear not, this new identity, as long as you are trying your best, will not seem like a mask at all; you will get used to your new sense of professionalism and won’t even have to think about how to act in your new job again!

Given these understandable obstacles that may cause some worry, here are some pro-tips that should cause you’re anxiousness to be a thing of the past:

  • Learn everything there is to know about your new work place, the people you’ll be working with and their backgrounds
  • Focus on how you can best serve others, understand the desires and needs of your supervisors and how you can help them accomplish any task
  • Learn as much as you can, become an expert in whatever you are doing
  • Be grateful, always thank your supervisors
  • Find any excuse to reach out and communicate with those you’re working around, connect with them on an emotional level, see what makes them tick
  • If you’re in an unfamiliar area, make plans with your fellow interns or ask your supervisors places they suggest you visit
  • Show up to work a few minutes early (especially if you’re depending on public transportation, things happen!)
  • Be professional always, don’t every do anything that you wouldn’t want your supervisors to see or hear
  • Be flexible, have fun, and be proud of yourself for making it here, YOU DESERVE IT.

Want some more internships tips? What are you scared about? And more importantly what costume will you be showing off this season? Comment below and let me know!

Happy Halloween my little creatures!
