It’s All About Who You Know… Or Is It?

You may have heard this line before: “It’s all about who you know”. It seems like it’s on repeat among different internships and job circles. While I’m sure your stellar activities and grades have an effect on your future endeavors, I have been told countless times that having connections really does get your foot in the door. However, I have often thought how this disadvantages a lot of people who don’t have the access to certain contacts or institutions.

Is our future mostly determined by the people around us that can get us a really impressive job?

TL;DR: Not quite, but it really can help.

So for those of you brave enough to read on, how do we navigate this complex balance between having connections, making connections, being personable and open all the while being qualified?

Seems like a lot to balance, but with a few tips, it shall not be too overwhelming!


Although, having connections with former employers, family friends, and local business groups is extremely helpful in knowing people in your preferred industry, it is not the golden ticket to your next new job/internship. You still ought to be personable enough in order to make a good impression in interviews and make further contacts through networking events!

So let’s say you want to expand your network of connections. You’ve tried reaching out to Scripps Alumnae through Life Connections, but now you’re ready for some face to face networking! (DUN DUN DUNNNNN)

Networking Pro-Tips:

  • Be confident and humble. Even though you might be shaking in your boots about meeting someone, try not to show it. When appropriate put out your hand and introduce yourself. It’s okay to be nervous, but come across strong (especially if its your first time meeting with them). Also try not to come across cocky, they can sense when you’re intentions are pure and when you’re just showing off, so try to find a happy medium.
  • Be prepared! Know who you’re talking to, try looking them up on LinkedIn before and impress them with your knowledge about recent work related events. They’ll be impressed with what you know (plus this gives plenty of conversation topics, so you have less awkward silences!)
  • Ask them for their contact information. Don’t be shy about this, if you want to follow up with them, then by all means do! Send them an email, stay in touch, and add them on LinkedIn. If they have the relationships with the kind of people you want to get in touch with, be persistent in getting some of their time.
  • Keep in touch. Although this might be hard to do with multiple contacts, with the one’s you want special relationships with, be willing to reach out to them. Everyone’s busy nowadays, but showing them you care about them and the work they are doing will make them notice you.
  • Be yourself. In addition to all these tips above, show them who you really are, what makes you tick, what you’re passionate about, and why you care about the things you care about. There’s nothing that can make up for being genuine! Show them this side of you.

While networking and creating new contacts is important in any career related field, it’s not the only factor that should be taken into consideration. Keep doing activities your passionate about, learning all you can, and opportunities will come your way!

Happy Networking Folks!
