Pro-tips: Navigating Real World Internships

Countless times since starting school at Scripps, I have heard this town and our consortium being referred to as the “Claremont Bubble.” In a way, this isolated collegiate and academic sphere really does exist. I mean it takes me a reallllly long time to even remember that I can drive places once I go home or that I can’t use my ID card to get everything I need, including essentials such as the invaluable Ben & Jerry’s Red Velvet Ice cream (now that stuff is beautiful folks, if you haven’t tried it, I recommend it 100%).

Anyways…attending college can often take you out of the real word, even though it trains us to enter into it once we graduate. The difference between college and the “real world” is often so different, making internships so crucial in gaining experience in the fields that we hope to be working in (or even just to test the waters and see if our interests are actually worth pursuing).

Test the waters like this adorable Hippo he he he

Test the waters like this adorable Hippo he he he. Photo via Team 358.

During my internship last summer at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. I was fortunate enough to have this exact experience. Entering into the professional world gives you a clearer image than any online article (or blog post can- which is why y’all should start those internship applications now!), but here are some trade secrets that I have learned along the way that may help you out in your future!

1. Although the internship experience is very much about you and your interests, this is a great time to learn from others, so do everything you can do help others (always lend a hand to help your co-workers, they’ll really appreciate it!)

2. Show up early and stay late (although you should explore the city/surrounding area you’re in, don’t forget this work opportunity is the real reason you are here, show you care about it!

3. Better to dress up and look overdressed than underdressed (so yeah wear those high heels or fancy dress and own it!)

4. Learn everything you can about your future co-workers before you arrive at your internship (connect on LinkedIn, see the work they’ve published, created, or learn about the projects they’re working on). It’s a great conversation starter!

5. Keep in touch (both before your internship and afterwards). This is just a great way to enhance your relationship, either for future recommendations or staying connected with this line of work.

6. Try to as positive as possible. Enthusiasm and passion are noticed, especially in the workplace with few other co-workers. They may not remember all the little tasks you did, but they will remember your attitude while doing them!

7. Don’t sell your soul… this one sounds a little strange, but let me explain. While you do want to be professional (of course don’t be immature/rude) but don’t be afraid to show these people your silliness in a good way if the relationship permits. Personality traits/demeanor will be one of the ways your being evaluated and remembered, so once you get comfortable, still get working, but show them the bright beautiful person you are and shineeeeee! (#sorrynotsorry for the cheesiness).

So place those jitters aside and conquer this fun and exciting learning opportunity! Believe in yourself friends, you got this!

