Know Thyself

So much has happened since my last blog post. I had been in the midst of trying to find an internship, and after many emails, interviews and trekking into LA, I finally decided that having an internship this semester was just not the right thing for me. Now that this tiring process is finally over, I’ve had some time to reflect. Here is what I learned from the process:

It’s Hard. I mean really hard. I never expected it to be easy but lets face it- it’s a never-ending process of research, emailing employers, sending out resumes, cover letters and in my case, writing samples and then NEVER hearing back from people (I know Karyn has mentioned this too!). After all that work that’s kind of tough, but it happens all the time. I probably sent applications to over 25 different companies, and in the end, I ended up taking a freelance position with an online magazine and getting two other offers, which I didn’t end up taking. This brings me to my second point…

Know Thyself. This is probably the most important thing I learned from this whole experience (besides learning how to write a good cover letter and thank you note). I know it sounds cheesy, but it true, it’s so important to know yourself. This helps during the internship search process and interviews (where employers will ask you a ton of questions about your skills and personal strengths). It also helps to know yourself when its time to make big decisions, which brings me to my third point…

Trust your Instincts. If you have a feeling the internship or job may not be right for you, you probably shouldn’t take it. After going into LA for an interview, I got a strange feeling about the place I would potentially be working at. Personally, getting a strange vibe like that was a warning sign, especially since I can only think of one other time in my life where I have had an experience like that. I quickly realized that that internship was not right for me and I decided to turn down the offer. Which brings me to my fourth and final point…

Request an In-Person Interview. It’s so important to see where you might be working. You will get to see the office space and get an idea of the work environment, meet people you will be working closely with and gain a better understanding of the company.

In the end, I’m glad I went through with my internship search. It was an excellent learning experience and it has given me a good idea of how a job search will go. In the meantime I have decided to take on more responsibilities at The Student Life Newspaper. This semester I will be the editor of the life and style section. After working as a staff writer last year, I’m so excited to have this position and learn more about the management side of running a newspaper. I think it will be a great experience for me, and its something that will really help when I seriously try to get into publishing. Also, I have finally registered for the GRE, which I will be taking on December 5th. Let the studying commence!

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