
My hands tremble as I type this…I have a job offer!  Remember those three superdays I blogged about earlier?  One was in LA, one is San Francisco, and one in New York City.  Well all three have passed and LA was a no, San Francisco is a maybe, and New York is a yes!

Countless interviews, hours of preparation, and endless searching has led me to this point.  Soon I will be able to shed my pseudonym and blog as myself!  So how do I feel about receiving an offer with a top firm in a dream city?

Mostly tired.  Relieved.  And though I was raised to be humble I can’t help but feel a little bit proud.  Also I feel trepidation.  What will next year hold for me?  Of course no one tells you what the protocol is for when you get THE CALL.  Mine was simple, call parents, text close friends who expect updates, and immediately search for dream apartments on Craigslist.  And if you are a numbers nerd as I sometimes am: you make a budget.  Oh boy oh boy.

It seems so real yet far away to me.  I am afraid if I don’t write this post, there will be no evidence that it actually come true at all.  I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the people that helped me get this offer.  My parents are first and foremost, my professors and friends are a close second.  These people believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself.

Okay, time to come off my cloud and realize I still have a little over a semester at Scripps.  I have duties, responsibilities both academic and not to consider.   I am part of the wheel, I don’t make things happen here, but I do help them along.  My  focus is on staying FOCUSED for the rest of the school year.  To appreciate the people, place, and things that makes Scripps so unique.  As others around me get job offers, I am so proud and excited for them.  It really is incredible the amount and range of things Scripps students take on after they graduate.

They should boast more.  So I will do it for them.  No, not just by boasting about myself, but when I am in a conversation with a CMC professor for example I introduce my friend and say, “this is Ellen, Ellen founded a remarkable Women’s College in Southern California and was a women’s rights champion.”  Maybe its not my place to say, but I hope we can all be each other’s champions and not be afraid to celebrate one another more!

Of course you may call me a hypocrite, as I am writing about my offer under a different name and have told fewer people on campus than I have fingers.  But I had the good fortune to meet former President Jimmy Carter once (through a Scripps Connection) and he told be something relevant here he said: “I don’t go bragging on myself all the time, I have people who believe in me, but I do bragging on others…”.  Well be warned Scripps students, faculty, and staff, as soon as I hear your good news I am going to brag on you.   So watch out!

2 thoughts on “Bragging

  1. Another NYC Scrippsie! Hooray! There are only a handful of us out here but if you have any nyc-related questions, I’m more than happy to help!

    Emily ’07

  2. We’ve got a great book club here in NYC. Hope you’ll join us! Or if you’d just like to grab a cup of coffee some time, I’d be happy to meet up.

    Stephanie ’01

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